On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 10:08 PM, Jeff King <p...@peff.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 09:35:08PM +0200, SZEDER Gábor wrote:
>> >> diff --git a/t/test-lib.sh b/t/test-lib.sh
>> >> index 13b569682..d7fa15a69 100644
>> >> --- a/t/test-lib.sh
>> >> +++ b/t/test-lib.sh
>> >> @@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ test_done () {
>> >>
>> >>                 test -d "$remove_trash" &&
>> I'm not sure under what circumstances the trash dir could be missing at
>> this point...
> Yeah, I don't really see the point of that line. Our whole goal is to
> remove it anyway.

It turns out it's necessary, see below.

>> >>                 cd "$(dirname "$remove_trash")" &&
>> >> -               rm -rf "$(basename "$remove_trash")"
>> >> +               rm -rf "$(basename "$remove_trash")" || exit 1
>> ... but when it is already removed, then I think we should not exit
>> with error here.
>> Nothing that a pair of {} wouldn't handle.
> I suppose so. It might be worth being picky just on the principle that
> if it _is_ gone that's unexpected and we'd prefer somebody notice and
> figure out why.

OK, agreed.

However, we do need the above 'test -d' for this to work, because 'rm
-rf' doesn't consider non-existing paths as errors, so we wouldn't
notice that the trash directory is already gone.

>> > Replacing it the "exit 1" with a "die" that has a message is probably a
>> > good idea, though.

test-lib.sh has a special 'die', different from git-sh-setup.sh's
'die'.  I'll use 'error "uh-oh"' instead.

>> If we can't 'cd' or 'rm -rf', then they will tell us why they failed
>> anyway, most likely including the name of the trash directory.
>> Do we really need more error messages than that?
> I just meant something like "tests passed but test cleanup failed;
> aborting" so that the user has a better idea what is going on. But since
> it shouldn't happen, maybe that doesn't matter.

And we do need an error message, because 'test -d' would remain silent
when the directory were already missing.

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