On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 07:48:14PM +0100, Felipe Contreras wrote:

> >   3. Exporters should not use it if they have any broken-down
> >      representation at all. Even knowing that the first half is a human
> >      name and the second half is something else would give it a better
> >      shot at cleaning than fast-import would get.
> I'm not sure what you mean by this. If they have name and email, then
> sure, it's easy.

But not as easy as just printing it. What if you have this:

  name="Peff <angle brackets> King"

Concatenating them does not produce a valid git author name. Sending the
concatenation through fast-import's cleanup function would lose
information (namely, the location of the boundary between name and

Similarly, one might have other structured data (e.g., CVS username)
where the structure is a useful hint, but some conversion to name+email
is still necessary.

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