On Sat, Apr 08, 2017 at 02:54:29PM -0700, Jacob Keller wrote:

> > So the best way to use it is something like:
> >
> >   git fetch              ;# update 'master' from remote
> >   git tag base master    ;# mark our base point
> >   git rebase -i master   ;# rewrite some commits
> >   git push --force-with-lease=master:base master:master
> [...]
> What if we added a separate command something like:
> git create-lease
> which you're expected to run at the start of a rewind-y operation and
> it creates a tag (or some other ref like a tag but in a different
> namespace) which is used by force-with-lease?

So then you replace that "git tag" command above with "git
create-lease". I think it's an incremental improvement because it would
probably record which branch you're leasing. But I think the more
important issue is that the user needs to remember to take the lease in
the first place. A create-lease command doesn't help that.

> It might be possible to generate these lease tags prior to operations
> which modify history and then maybe having a way to list them so you
> can select which one you meant when you try to use force-with-lease..

So yeah, I think that is the more interesting direction. I hadn't
considered resolving the multiple-operation ambiguity at push time. But
I guess it would be something like "you did a rebase on sha1 X at time
T, and then one on Y at time T+N", and you pick which one you're
expecting. Or maybe it could even cull old leases that are still
ancestors of your push (so old, already-pushed rebases aren't
mentioned). I suspect that ends up being equivalent to "clear the leases
when you push". And I think that may be converging on the "integrate"
refs that Stefan is talking about elsewhere (or some isomorphism of it).


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