Lars Schneider <> writes:

>>> I agree it's not ideal. But I think it is an improvement to check
>>> pu/next/master/maint continuously :-)
>> I am not sure what you mean.  We are building each and every branch
>> updates already, and I do not see any improvement over what we are
>> doing now.  Care to elaborate?
> We are building each and every branch on TravisCI right now - but 
> only on Linux and OSX. With this change we also build it on
> Windows. That should help to spot Windows related issues more
> quickly I think.

We are losing the build for PR for folks who later submit patches as
the price for that.  "building each and every branch" stay constant
and the trade-off is between building four integration branches on
Windows and allowing contributors to easily check their work early.

If your "But I think it is an improvement" was followed by "to check
the four branches on Windows continuously", though, I wouldn't have
had to ask the question, as I tend to agree it is a better trade


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