On Thu, Mar 09, 2017 at 01:12:08PM +0100, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:

> > I'm almost certain this is because the contains_tag_algo one doesn't
> > clean up the flag bits it sets on the commit objects. So running it
> > twice in the same process is going to give you nonsense results.
> Yeah indeed.
> I tried to hack something up to avoid this, but the
> lookup_commit_reference_gently() we call will return the same
> object.parent pointer for two invocations, i.e. the underlying
> {commit,object}.c API has a cache of objects it returns, couldn't find
> some way to quickly make it burst that cache.

Yeah, you'll always get the same struct for a given sha1.

> The other approach of making contains_tag_algo() itself detect that
> it's been called before (or us passing a flag) and going around
> setting commit.object.flags on everything to 0 seemed even more
> brittle, particularly since I think between filter->with_commit &
> filter->no_commit we might end up visiting different commits, so it's
> not easy to just clear it.

You can clear the marks with clear_object_flags(). But I don't think
that type of solution will quite help us here. We consider each ref
independently and ask "does it match --contains" and "does it match
--no-contains?". So there is no moment where we are done with all of the
--contains marks, and can move on to the --no-contains ones. The lookups
are interleaved.

We could move to doing them in chunks (the way filter->merge_commit
works), and then clearing in between. Or we could use a separate bitset.
The patch below does that.

> I'm happy to hack on it given some pointers, will visit it again, but
> for now unless I'm missing something obvious / you can point out some
> way to hack this up I'll just submit v2 with the combination of
> --contains & --no-contains dying with a TODO message.
> The patch without that functionality is still really useful, and we
> can implement that later.

I'm not opposed to that, though see what you think of the patch below.
It's a bit noisy but it's conceptually pretty straightforward. It should
hopefully be obvious how you'd add in a separate contains_cache for the
"without" case.

Looking at this, I'm pretty sure that using "--contains" with "--merged"
has similar problems, as they both use the UNINTERESTING bit. So even
without your patch, there is a lurking bug.

diff --git a/ref-filter.c b/ref-filter.c
index 3820b21cc..42b1bc463 100644
--- a/ref-filter.c
+++ b/ref-filter.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "git-compat-util.h"
 #include "version.h"
 #include "trailer.h"
+#include "commit-slab.h"
 typedef enum { FIELD_STR, FIELD_ULONG, FIELD_TIME } cmp_type;
@@ -1137,10 +1138,22 @@ static void get_ref_atom_value(struct ref_array_item 
*ref, int atom, struct atom
        *v = &ref->value[atom];
+ * Unknown has to be "0" here, because that's what unfilled entries in our slab
+ * will return.
+ */
 enum contains_result {
-       CONTAINS_UNKNOWN = -1,
-       CONTAINS_NO = 0,
-       CONTAINS_YES = 1
+       CONTAINS_NO = 1,
+       CONTAINS_YES = 2,
+define_commit_slab(contains_cache, enum contains_result);
+struct ref_filter_cbdata {
+       struct ref_array *array;
+       struct ref_filter *filter;
+       struct contains_cache contains_cache;
@@ -1171,24 +1184,25 @@ static int in_commit_list(const struct commit_list 
*want, struct commit *c)
  * Do not recurse to find out, though, but return -1 if inconclusive.
 static enum contains_result contains_test(struct commit *candidate,
-                           const struct commit_list *want)
+                           const struct commit_list *want,
+                           struct contains_cache *cache)
-       /* was it previously marked as containing a want commit? */
-       if (candidate->object.flags & TMP_MARK)
-               return 1;
-       /* or marked as not possibly containing a want commit? */
-       if (candidate->object.flags & UNINTERESTING)
-               return 0;
+       enum contains_result *cached = contains_cache_at(cache, candidate);
+       /* if we already found the answer, return it without traversing */
+       if (*cached)
+               return *cached;
        /* or are we it? */
        if (in_commit_list(want, candidate)) {
-               candidate->object.flags |= TMP_MARK;
-               return 1;
+               *cached = CONTAINS_YES;
+               return *cached;
        if (parse_commit(candidate) < 0)
-               return 0;
+               return CONTAINS_NO;
-       return -1;
+       return CONTAINS_UNKNOWN;
 static void push_to_contains_stack(struct commit *candidate, struct 
contains_stack *contains_stack)
@@ -1199,10 +1213,11 @@ static void push_to_contains_stack(struct commit 
*candidate, struct contains_sta
 static enum contains_result contains_tag_algo(struct commit *candidate,
-               const struct commit_list *want)
+                                             const struct commit_list *want,
+                                             struct contains_cache *cache)
        struct contains_stack contains_stack = { 0, 0, NULL };
-       int result = contains_test(candidate, want);
+       enum contains_result result = contains_test(candidate, want, cache);
        if (result != CONTAINS_UNKNOWN)
                return result;
@@ -1214,16 +1229,16 @@ static enum contains_result contains_tag_algo(struct 
commit *candidate,
                struct commit_list *parents = entry->parents;
                if (!parents) {
-                       commit->object.flags |= UNINTERESTING;
+                       *contains_cache_at(cache, commit) = CONTAINS_NO;
                 * If we just popped the stack, parents->item has been marked,
-                * therefore contains_test will return a meaningful 0 or 1.
+                * therefore contains_test will return a meaningful yes/no.
-               else switch (contains_test(parents->item, want)) {
+               else switch (contains_test(parents->item, want, cache)) {
                case CONTAINS_YES:
-                       commit->object.flags |= TMP_MARK;
+                       *contains_cache_at(cache, commit) = CONTAINS_YES;
                case CONTAINS_NO:
@@ -1235,13 +1250,14 @@ static enum contains_result contains_tag_algo(struct 
commit *candidate,
-       return contains_test(candidate, want);
+       return contains_test(candidate, want, cache);
-static int commit_contains(struct ref_filter *filter, struct commit *commit)
+static int commit_contains(struct ref_filter *filter, struct commit *commit,
+                          struct contains_cache *cache)
        if (filter->with_commit_tag_algo)
-               return contains_tag_algo(commit, filter->with_commit);
+               return contains_tag_algo(commit, filter->with_commit, cache) == 
        return is_descendant_of(commit, filter->with_commit);
@@ -1438,7 +1454,7 @@ static int ref_filter_handler(const char *refname, const 
struct object_id *oid,
                        return 0;
                /* We perform the filtering for the '--contains' option */
                if (filter->with_commit &&
-                   !commit_contains(filter, commit))
+                   !commit_contains(filter, commit, 
                        return 0;
@@ -1538,6 +1554,8 @@ int filter_refs(struct ref_array *array, struct 
ref_filter *filter, unsigned int
                broken = 1;
        filter->kind = type & FILTER_REFS_KIND_MASK;
+       init_contains_cache(&ref_cbdata.contains_cache);
        /*  Simple per-ref filtering */
        if (!filter->kind)
                die("filter_refs: invalid type");
@@ -1560,6 +1578,7 @@ int filter_refs(struct ref_array *array, struct 
ref_filter *filter, unsigned int
                        head_ref(ref_filter_handler, &ref_cbdata);
+       clear_contains_cache(&ref_cbdata.contains_cache);
        /*  Filters that need revision walking */
        if (filter->merge_commit)
diff --git a/ref-filter.h b/ref-filter.h
index 7b05592ba..89af9f451 100644
--- a/ref-filter.h
+++ b/ref-filter.h
@@ -71,11 +71,6 @@ struct ref_filter {
-struct ref_filter_cbdata {
-       struct ref_array *array;
-       struct ref_filter *filter;
 /*  Macros for checking --merged and --no-merged options */
 #define _OPT_MERGED_NO_MERGED(option, filter, h) \
        { OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, option, (filter), N_("commit"), (h), \

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