On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 5:57 PM, Pete Wyckoff <p...@padd.com> wrote:
> vitor....@gmail.com wrote on Mon, 05 Nov 2012 17:37 +0000:
>> Hi Pete,
>> I've just been hit by a situation where this command is available but is
>> disabled in the server. I don't know what is the best approach to avoid
>> this issue.
> Really?  The command exists in the server because it returns the
> text output for "p4 help move".  But "p4 move" itself fails
> because it is somehow disabled in the server?
> I didn't even know it was possible to administratively disable
> commands.
> What's the actual error message?  And versions of your client and
> server (p4 -V, p4d -V, p4 info).
> Any ideas Gary?

I don't feel comfortable in testing this again because I'm working in a
production server. Can Gary provide any details on this type of
configuration on the server side?

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