Lars Schneider <> writes:

>> On 02 Mar 2017, at 12:24, Johannes Schindelin <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Lars,
>> On Thu, 2 Mar 2017, Lars Schneider wrote:
>>> The patch looks good to me in general but I want to propose the following
>>> changes:
>> I know you are using your script to generate this mail, but I would have
>> liked to see v2 in the subject ;-)
> Yeah, sorry. I already had a "D'oh" moment *after* I saw the email in 
> my email client. Now I am wondering... is the next version v2 or v3 :D

Another question is which v3 people mean in the discussion, when you
and Dscho work on improvements at the same time and each post the
"next" version marked as "v3", and they comment on one of them?

Between "v2" and "v3", it would not make too much difference to the
readership, when it is clear that two people are working to produce
competing improvements without much coordination (i.e. lack of "ok,
I'll send a reroll marked as vX in a minite"--"ok, I'll wait and
comment on it" exchange).  People watching from the sideline know
"ah this is v3 from Lars which is the highest numbered one from him
on this topic".  As long as you do not mark your next one "v1",
you'd be OK ;-).

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