There are a few bugs I git I noticed when using mingw, mingw64, cygwin, and cygwin64. These bugs are the following:
if I do git ``rebase -i --root`` and tell it to edit every commit to gpg sign all my commits it bugs out and merges all of the commits into 1 commit instead of only appending the ``-S`` to each and every commit and keeping all of the commits. It is as if I told it to squash the commits but yet I did not. There is also another bug where if I clone a repo on Windows and not on github desktop and that I placed commits to the repo on github web and then when I rebase to squash the commits to 1 commit (some repos are doing it as a requirement for 1 commit PR's) that all of my commits on the remote (fork in this case) that is linked to an open pull request are discarded and then the pull request is somehow and oddly closed. It is super annoying.