Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schinde...@gmx.de> writes:
>> FWIW I wish it were different, that git.git's `master` reflected more
>> closely what the current Git for Windows version has.
> Well, we two wishing the same thing together without doing anything
> else would make it happen.

ehh, would *not* make it happen, of course.

> As an experiment to see if our process can be improved, I've been
> meaning to suggest (which is what was behind my "question at a bit
> higher level" to Hannes [*1*]) asking you to throw me occasional
> pull requests for changes that are only about Windows specific
> issues, bypassing "patches on the list" for things like a hotfix to
> js/mingw-isatty [*2*] and use of OpenSSL SHA-1 on Windows [*3*],
> essentially treating Windows specific changes as "a sub-maintainer
> makes pull requests" we already do with Paul, Eric and Pat.

While this may ease the flow of upstreaming windows specific
changes, we need a separate thing to address the on-going issue you
raised in your message.  A Windows-less person would not know his
change to a generic code that is innocuous-looking has fallouts on
Windows (read this sentence with "Windows" replaced with any
specific platform name).  When somebody writes c == '/' that should
have been written as is_dir_sep(c), you or Hannes often finds it
during the review here, and after repeatedly seeing such reviews,
that (slowly) rubs off on other Window-less folks.  A new code may
still hit 'next' and 'master' with such an issue if it goes
unnoticed during the review.

The CI you are setting up [*1*] may certainly be a step in the good
direction.  Having more people like Hannes working off of upstream
may also be a great way to help the "forget 'next' and upstream in
general" issue.  Any other ideas?

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