
On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 5:33 PM, Jakub Narębski <jna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Git Rev News #24 is planned to be released on February 15. It is meant
> to cover what happened during the month of January 2017 (and earely
> February 2017) and the Git Merge 2017 conference that happened on
> February 2nd and 3rd 2017.

Yeah, I would have liked to release Git Rev News #24 on February 15
but I was busy and tired this week end, so let it be on Wednesday
February 22.

> A draft of a new Git Rev News edition is available here:
> https://github.com/git/git.github.io/blob/master/rev_news/drafts/edition-24.md
> I would like to ask everyone who attended the conference (and the
> GitMerge 2017 Contributors’s Summit day before it), or watched it live
> at http://git-merge.com/watch to write his or her impressions.
> You can contribute either by replying to this email, or by editing the
> above page on GitHub and sending a pull request, or by commenting on
> the following GitHub issue about Git Rev News 24:
>   https://github.com/git/git.github.io/issues/221
> If you prefer to post on your own blog (or if you have did it
> already), please send an URL.

Yeah, any material (link, short impression, article, ...) would be very nice.
Thanks Jakub for the links you already added to the draft, by the way!

> P.S. I wonder if there should be not a separate section on
> https://git.github.io/ about recollection from various Git-related
> events, with Git Merge 2017 as the first one.  This way we can wait
> for later response, and incorporate videos and slides from events, as
> they begin to be available.

Jakub, if you are willing to create and maintain this section, that
would be great!

> P.P.S. Please distribute this information more widely.


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