Jeff King <> writes:

>> > As ugly as warning("%s", "") is, I think it may be the thing that annoys
>> > the smallest number of people.
>> > 
>> > -Peff
>> How about using warning(" ") instead?
>> For difftool.c specifically, the following is a fine solution,
>> and doesn't require that we change our warning flags just for
>> this one file.
> I dunno. As ugly as the "%s" thing is in the source, at least it doesn't
> change the output. Not that an extra space is the end of the world, but
> it seems like it's letting the problem escape from the source code.
> Do people still care about resolving this? -Wno-format-zero-length is in
> the DEVELOPER options. It wasn't clear to me if that was sufficient, or
> if we're going to get a bunch of reports from people that need to be
> directed to the right compiler options.

I view both as ugly, but probably "%s", "" is lessor of the two


        #define JUST_SHOW_EMPTY_LINE "%s", ""


or something silly like that?

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