On 2017-01-19 10:49 AM, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
Hi Marc,

On Wed, 18 Jan 2017, Marc Branchaud wrote:

On 2017-01-18 11:34 AM, Johannes Schindelin wrote:

On Wed, 18 Jan 2017, Marc Branchaud wrote:

On 2017-01-16 05:54 AM, Johannes Schindelin wrote:

On Mon, 16 Jan 2017, Stephan Beyer wrote:

a git-newbie-ish co-worker uses git-stash sometimes. Last time
he used "git stash pop", he got into a merge conflict. After he
resolved the conflict, he did not know what to do to get the
repository into the wanted state. In his case, it was only "git
add <resolved files>" followed by a "git reset" and a "git stash
drop", but there may be more involved cases when your index is
not clean before "git stash pop" and you want to have your index
as before.

This led to the idea to have something like "git stash

More like "git stash pop --continue". Without the "pop" command,
it does not make too much sense.

Why not?  git should be able to remember what stash command created
the conflict.  Why should I have to?  Maybe the fire alarm goes off
right when I run the stash command, and by the time I get back to it
I can't remember which operation I did.  It would be nice to be able
to tell git to "just finish off (or abort) the stash operation,
whatever it was".

That reeks of a big potential for confusion.

Imagine for example a total Git noob who calls `git stash list`,
scrolls two pages down, then hits `q` by mistake. How would you
explain to that user that `git stash --continue` does not continue
showing the list at the third page?

Sorry, but I have trouble taking that example seriously.  It assumes
such a level of "noobness" that the user doesn't even understand how
standard command output paging works, not just with git but with any
shell command.

Yeah, well, I thought you understood what I meant.

The example was the best I could come up with quickly, and it only tried
to show that there are *other* stash operations that one might perceive
to happen at the same time as the "pop" operation, so your flimsical
comment "why not continue the latest operation" may very well be

And if it is not ambiguous in "stash", it certainly will be in other Git
operations. And therefore, having a DWIM in "stash" to allow "--continue"
without any specific subcommand, but not having it in other Git commands,
is just a very poor user interface design. It is prone to confuse users,
which is always a hallmark of a bad user interface.

Please don't underestimate the power of syntactic consistency in helping users achieve their goals. Having some commands use "git foo --continue" while others use "git foo bar --continue" *will* confuse people, regardless of how logical the reasons for those differences.

But in the case of stash, I still don't see the utility in having operation-specific continuation. Consider the following sequence (as you say, this doesn't work yet, but making it work seems reasonable):

        git stash pop  # creates some conflicts
        git stash apply stash@{4} # creates some other conflicts
        # (User resolves the conflicts created by the pop.)
        git stash pop --continue

Given the description of the original proposal (do "git reset; git stash drop"), what's the state of the index and the working tree?

In particular, what has the user gained by continuing just that pop?

Another thing to ask is, how common is such a scenario likely to be? I suggest that it will be far more common for users to resolve all the conflicts and then want to continue all their interrupted stash operations. If so, fussily forcing them to explicitly continue the pop and the apply is just a waste.

Hence my objection to "git stash --continue". No argument in favor of "git
stash --continue" I heard so far comes even close to being convincing.

Well, what about the potential for a slippery slope? If the user is forced to be specific about continuing either a pop or an apply, why wouldn't git allow them to be specific about *which* pop or apply they want to continue? Consider another hypothetical scenario:

        git stash pop  # creates some conflicts
        git stash pop  # creates some more conflicts
        git stash pop  # creates even more conflicts
        # (User resolves the conflicts created by second pop.)
        git stash pop --continue
        # Oops, there's still some unresovled pops!

Obviously the user isn't ready to finish off all the pops, so they'll want some way to specify which pop to continue. Dealing with that just feels like a lot of work for minimal benefit.

Even worse: `git stash` (without arguments) defaults to the `save`
operation, so any user who does not read the documentation (and who
does?) would assume that `git stash --continue` *also* implies `save`.

Like the first example, your user is trying to "continue" a command that
is already complete.

Says who? You may understand the semantics better than other users, but
who are you to judge?

But that's besides the point.

My point (which you did not quite understand) was that it can be ambiguous
what to continue when looking at *all* Git commands. To special-case "git
stash"'s user interface makes things more confusing, and therefore less
usable for everyone.

And even with `git stash apply`, you could construct a very plausible
scenario (which does not work yet, but we may want to make it work): if
`git stash apply` causes conflicts, and `git stash apply stash@{1}`
conflicts in a *different* set of files, why don't we allow the second
operation to succeed (adding its conflicts)?

Running those two commands should be perfectly fine. The interesting question is what it means to *continue* from that state.

That example is like `git cherry-pick -n` with two different commits, both
of which conflict with the current worktree, but in different files. Both
cherry-picks would do their job if called after one another, and the
result is a worktree with the *combined* conflicts. That is a legitimate
use case (which I happened to *actually* perform just the other day).

I don't mean to suggest that you shouldn't be able to do that.

If we fix "git stash" (and there is no reason we should not), it would
also allow "git stash pop; git stash pop" to work with two stashes that
both conflict with the current worktree, just in different files.

Sounds fine to me.  So, what would it mean to continue from that state?

So I challenge you to get less hung up on the *exact* example I present,
and to try to see through the example what the issue is that I am trying
to get at.

If that was not enough, there would still be the overall design of
Git's user interface. You can call it confusing, inconsistent, with a
lot of room for improvement, and you would be correct. But none of
Git's commands has a `--continue` option that remembers the latest
subcommand and continues that. To introduce that behavior in `git
stash` would disimprove the situation.

I think it's more the case that none of the current continuable commands
have subcommands (though I can't think of all the continuable or
abortable operations offhand, so maybe I'm wrong).  I think we're
discussing new UI ground here.

Nope, we are not entering new UI ground here. The principle is clear with
the existing --continue options: you pass them to the same operation that
you want to continue. By that reasoning, "git stash --continue" should
continue the (implicit) "save" operation. But that is not at all what you

And since the pattern is already "git foo --continue",

But foo *is the operation*! By that reasoning, you should agree that "git
stash --continue" is *wrong*!

No, in the user's mind *stash* is the operation! The user is doing "stash" stuff. She doesn't care if the conflicts came from a pop or an apply. She has resolved the conflicts, and now she just wants to continue.

There's no confusion about possibly continuing some other stash subcommand, like save or list or drop. None of those other commands are continuable. In the following sequence

        git stash "let me save my work now"
        git stash --continue

That continue command does nothing, regardless of whether the implied save command succeeded or failed. There's simply nothing to continue.

With the sequence

        git stash pop  # creates some conflicts
        git stash "got some popped conflicts"
        git stash --continue

Again the continue command should do nothing: If the save command succeeded it should have cleaned up the interrupted pop. If the save command failed, then the continue command can't continue from a conflicted state. (OTOH, a "git stash --abort" would abort the pop.)

Think of it this way:  All the currently continuable/abortable commands
put the repository in a shaky state, where performing certain other
operations would be ill advised.  Attempting to start a rebase while a
merge conflict is unresolved, for example.  IIRC, git actually tries to
stop users from shooting their feet in this way.

And so it should be for the stash operation:  If applying a stash yields
a conflict, it has to be resolved or aborted before something like a
rebase or merge is attempted.

That already happens, and I have no idea how you think this safe-guarding
has anything to do whether the "--continue" option makes sense in "git
stash", or only in "git stash pop".

In the long run, I think there's even the possibility of generic "git
continue" and "git abort" commands,


You can call "git cherry-pick" (and "git cherry-pick --continue") while
running a "git rebase -i".

You can run "git rebase", "git stash", "git cherry-pick" and many other
commands while running a "git bisect".

You can even run a "git rebase" or a "git cherry-pick" while resolving an
interrupted "git am".

Many, many examples that make it *impossible* for Git to know *what* you
want to continue, *what* you want to abort.

Right, I'd missed that.  I agree that a generic "git continue" is nonsense.


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