> >  {
> > -   return verify_and_format_tag(sha1, name, NULL, GPG_VERIFY_VERBOSE);
> > +   int flags;
> > +   char *fmt_pretty = cb_data;
> > +   flags = GPG_VERIFY_VERBOSE;
> > +
> > +   if (fmt_pretty)
> > +           flags = GPG_VERIFY_QUIET;
> > +
> > +   return verify_and_format_tag(sha1, ref, fmt_pretty, flags);
> It seems funny that VERBOSE and QUIET are bit-flags. What happens when

If I'm not mistaken, the way the code works right now this is not
possible (GPG_VERIFY_VERBOSE will be unset when GPG_VERIFY_QUIET). I
would have to re-read the patch to make sure this is the case then.

GPG_VERIFY_QUIET was added to suppress any VERBOSE|RAW flags, we could
defeault to QUIET if flags are not set. What do you think?


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