On Monday, January 09, 2017 05:55:45 AM Jeff King wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 09, 2017 at 04:01:19PM +0900, Mike Hommey 
> > > That's _way_ more complicated than your problem, and
> > > as I said, I do not have a finished solution. But it
> > > seems like they touch on a similar concept (a
> > > post-delete holding area for objects). So I thought
> > > I'd mention it in case if spurs any brilliance.
> > 
> > Something that is kind-of in the same family of problems
> > is the "loosening" or objects on repacks, before they
> > can be pruned.
> Yes, this can be a problem. The repack is smart enough not
> to write out objects which would just get pruned
> immediately, but since the grace period is 2 weeks, that
> can include a lot of objects (especially with history
> rewriting as you note). It would be possible to write
> those loose objects to a "cruft" pack, but there are some
> management issues around the cruft pack. You do not want
> to keep repacking them into a new cruft pack at each
> repack, since then they would never expire. So you need
> some way of marking the pack as cruft, letting it age
> out, and then deleting it after the grace period expires.
> I don't think it would be _that_ hard, but AFAIK nobody
> has ever made patches.

FYI, jgit does this,


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