On 02/01/17 00:53, Jeff King wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 10:59:11PM -0600, A. Wilcox wrote:
>> I'm attempting to package Git for our new Linux distribution and
>> I have run in to a failure on our PowerPC builder while running
>> the test suite.
>> The PowerPC builder runs a tiny version of grep(1) that was not
>> built with PCRE.  As such, grep -P returns 2 and prints:
>> grep: support for the -P option is not compiled into this -
>> --disable-perl-regexp binary
>> However, our Git build *does* link against libpcre.  This causes
>> a tests numbered 142 and 143 to fail in t7810-grep.sh.
> If we are using "grep -P" in our test suite, it should definitely
> be marked with a prerequisite that is independent of the LIBPCRE
> one.
> But I can't find any such place in our test suite. [snip] Can you
> show us the output of "./t7810-grep.sh -v -i"?
> -Peff

The output of this command was almost 1400 lines, so I attached the log.

Interestingly enough, you seem to be right.  The failure is very
bizarre and has nothing to do with system /bin/grep:

test_must_fail: command succeeded: git grep -G -F -P -E a\x{2b}b\x{2a}c ab
not ok 142 - grep -G -F -P -E pattern
#               >empty &&
#               test_must_fail git grep -G -F -P -E "a\x{2b}b\x{2a}c"
ab >actual &&
#               test_cmp empty actual


elaine trash directory.t7810-grep # git grep -G -F -P -E
a\x{2b}b\x{2a}c ab >actual
fatal: command line, 'ax{2b}bx{2a}c': Invalid contents of {}
elaine trash directory.t7810-grep # echo $?
elaine trash directory.t7810-grep # cat actual
elaine trash directory.t7810-grep #

I can reliably reproduce this on our x86_64 builder as well.  Note
that our distro is based on the musl libc, not glibc.  The shell is:

GNU bash, version 4.3.48(1)-release (powerpc-foxkit-linux-musl)

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Dec 29 10:43 /bin/sh -> /bin/bash

Any further assistance would be greatly appreciated; this one really
has me stumped.


A. Wilcox (awilfox)
Project Lead, Adélie Linux
elaine t # ./t7810-grep.sh -v -i
Initialized empty Git repository in /usr/src/dev-vcs/git-2.7.3-r1/work/git-2.7.3/t/trash directory.t7810-grep/.git/
expecting success: 
                echo foo mmap bar
                echo foo_mmap bar
                echo foo_mmap bar mmap
                echo foo mmap bar_mmap
                echo foo_mmap bar mmap baz
        } >file &&
                echo Hello world
                echo HeLLo world
                echo Hello_world
                echo HeLLo_world
        } >hello_world &&
                echo "a+b*c"
                echo "a+bc"
                echo "abc"
        } >ab &&
        echo vvv >v &&
        echo ww w >w &&
        echo x x xx x >x &&
        echo y yy >y &&
        echo zzz > z &&
        mkdir t &&
        echo test >t/t &&
        echo vvv >t/v &&
        mkdir t/a &&
        echo vvv >t/a/v &&
                echo "line without leading space1"
                echo " line with leading space1"
                echo " line with leading space2"
                echo " line with leading space3"
                echo "line without leading space2"
        } >space &&
        git add . &&
        test_tick &&
        git commit -m initial

[master (root-commit) cfd9fd5] initial
 Author: A U Thor <aut...@example.com>
 13 files changed, 32 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ab
 create mode 100644 file
 create mode 100644 hello.c
 create mode 100644 hello_world
 create mode 100644 space
 create mode 100644 t/a/v
 create mode 100644 t/t
 create mode 100644 t/v
 create mode 100644 v
 create mode 100644 w
 create mode 100644 x
 create mode 100644 y
 create mode 100644 z
ok 1 - setup

expecting success: 
        test_must_fail git grep "("

fatal: unmatched parenthesis
ok 2 - grep should not segfault with a bad input

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}file:1:foo mmap bar
                        echo ${HC}file:3:foo_mmap bar mmap
                        echo ${HC}file:4:foo mmap bar_mmap
                        echo ${HC}file:5:foo_mmap bar mmap baz
                } >expected &&
                git -c grep.linenumber=false grep -n -w -e mmap $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 3 - grep -w HEAD

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}file:1:foo mmap bar
                        echo ${HC}file:3:foo_mmap bar mmap
                        echo ${HC}file:4:foo mmap bar_mmap
                        echo ${HC}file:5:foo_mmap bar mmap baz
                } >expected &&
                git -c grep.linenumber=true grep -w -e mmap $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 4 - grep -w HEAD

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}file:foo mmap bar
                        echo ${HC}file:foo_mmap bar mmap
                        echo ${HC}file:foo mmap bar_mmap
                        echo ${HC}file:foo_mmap bar mmap baz
                } >expected &&
                git -c grep.linenumber=true grep --no-line-number -w -e mmap $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 5 - grep -w HEAD

expecting success: 
                : >expected &&
                test_must_fail git grep -n -w -e "^w" $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 6 - grep -w HEAD (w)

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}x:1:x x xx x
                } >expected &&
                git grep -n -w -e "x xx* x" $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 7 - grep -w HEAD (x)

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}y:1:y yy
                } >expected &&
                git grep -n -w -e "^y" $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 8 - grep -w HEAD (y-1)

expecting success: 
                : >expected &&
                if git grep -n -w -e "^y y" $H >actual
                        echo should not have matched
                        cat actual
                        test_cmp expected actual

ok 9 - grep -w HEAD (y-2)

expecting success: 
                : >expected &&
                if git grep -n -w -e "^z" $H >actual
                        echo should not have matched
                        cat actual
                        test_cmp expected actual

ok 10 - grep -w HEAD (z)

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}t/t:1:test" >expected &&
                git grep -n -e test $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 11 - grep HEAD (t-1)

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}t:1:test" >expected &&
                        cd t &&
                        git grep -n -e test $H
                ) >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 12 - grep HEAD (t-2)

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}t/t:1:test" >expected &&
                        cd t &&
                        git grep --full-name -n -e test $H
                ) >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 13 - grep HEAD (t-3)

expecting success: 
                ! git grep -c test $H | grep /dev/null
ok 14 - grep -c HEAD (no /dev/null)

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}t/a/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth -1 -n -e vvv $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 15 - grep --max-depth -1 HEAD

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 16 - grep --max-depth 0 HEAD

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}t/a/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H -- "*" >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 17 - grep --max-depth 0 -- '*' HEAD

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth 1 -n -e vvv $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 18 - grep --max-depth 1 HEAD

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H -- t >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 19 - grep --max-depth 0 -- t HEAD

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H -- . t >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 20 - grep --max-depth 0 -- . t HEAD

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H -- t . >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 21 - grep --max-depth 0 -- t . HEAD

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:a+bc" >expected &&
                git -c grep.extendedRegexp=false grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 22 - grep HEAD with grep.extendedRegexp=false

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:abc" >expected &&
                git -c grep.extendedRegexp=true grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 23 - grep HEAD with grep.extendedRegexp=true

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:a+bc" >expected &&
                git -c grep.patterntype=basic grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 24 - grep HEAD with grep.patterntype=basic

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:abc" >expected &&
                git -c grep.patterntype=extended grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 25 - grep HEAD with grep.patterntype=extended

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:a+b*c" >expected &&
                git -c grep.patterntype=fixed grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 26 - grep HEAD with grep.patterntype=fixed

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:a+b*c" >expected &&
                git -c grep.patterntype=perl grep "a\x{2b}b\x{2a}c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 27 - grep HEAD with grep.patterntype=perl

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:abc" >expected &&
                git \
                        -c grep.patternType=default \
                        -c grep.extendedRegexp=true \
                        grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 28 - grep HEAD with grep.patternType=default and grep.extendedRegexp=true

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:abc" >expected &&
                git \
                        -c grep.extendedRegexp=true \
                        -c grep.patternType=default \
                        grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 29 - grep HEAD with grep.extendedRegexp=true and grep.patternType=default

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:abc" >expected &&
                git \
                        -c grep.patternType=extended \
                        -c grep.extendedRegexp=false \
                        grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 30 - grep HEAD with grep.patternType=extended and grep.extendedRegexp=false

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:a+bc" >expected &&
                git \
                        -c grep.patternType=basic \
                        -c grep.extendedRegexp=true \
                        grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 31 - grep HEAD with grep.patternType=basic and grep.extendedRegexp=true

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:abc" >expected &&
                git \
                        -c grep.extendedRegexp=false \
                        -c grep.patternType=extended \
                        grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 32 - grep HEAD with grep.extendedRegexp=false and grep.patternType=extended

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:a+bc" >expected &&
                git \
                        -c grep.extendedRegexp=true \
                        -c grep.patternType=basic \
                        grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 33 - grep HEAD with grep.extendedRegexp=true and grep.patternType=basic

expecting success: 
                echo ${HC}ab:3 >expected &&
                git grep --count -e b $H -- ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 34 - grep --count HEAD

expecting success: 
                echo 3 >expected &&
                git grep --count -h -e b $H -- ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 35 - grep --count -h HEAD

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}file:1:foo mmap bar
                        echo ${HC}file:3:foo_mmap bar mmap
                        echo ${HC}file:4:foo mmap bar_mmap
                        echo ${HC}file:5:foo_mmap bar mmap baz
                } >expected &&
                git -c grep.linenumber=false grep -n -w -e mmap $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 36 - grep -w in working tree

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}file:1:foo mmap bar
                        echo ${HC}file:3:foo_mmap bar mmap
                        echo ${HC}file:4:foo mmap bar_mmap
                        echo ${HC}file:5:foo_mmap bar mmap baz
                } >expected &&
                git -c grep.linenumber=true grep -w -e mmap $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 37 - grep -w in working tree

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}file:foo mmap bar
                        echo ${HC}file:foo_mmap bar mmap
                        echo ${HC}file:foo mmap bar_mmap
                        echo ${HC}file:foo_mmap bar mmap baz
                } >expected &&
                git -c grep.linenumber=true grep --no-line-number -w -e mmap $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 38 - grep -w in working tree

expecting success: 
                : >expected &&
                test_must_fail git grep -n -w -e "^w" $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 39 - grep -w in working tree (w)

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}x:1:x x xx x
                } >expected &&
                git grep -n -w -e "x xx* x" $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 40 - grep -w in working tree (x)

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}y:1:y yy
                } >expected &&
                git grep -n -w -e "^y" $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 41 - grep -w in working tree (y-1)

expecting success: 
                : >expected &&
                if git grep -n -w -e "^y y" $H >actual
                        echo should not have matched
                        cat actual
                        test_cmp expected actual

ok 42 - grep -w in working tree (y-2)

expecting success: 
                : >expected &&
                if git grep -n -w -e "^z" $H >actual
                        echo should not have matched
                        cat actual
                        test_cmp expected actual

ok 43 - grep -w in working tree (z)

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}t/t:1:test" >expected &&
                git grep -n -e test $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 44 - grep in working tree (t-1)

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}t:1:test" >expected &&
                        cd t &&
                        git grep -n -e test $H
                ) >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 45 - grep in working tree (t-2)

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}t/t:1:test" >expected &&
                        cd t &&
                        git grep --full-name -n -e test $H
                ) >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 46 - grep in working tree (t-3)

expecting success: 
                ! git grep -c test $H | grep /dev/null
ok 47 - grep -c in working tree (no /dev/null)

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}t/a/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth -1 -n -e vvv $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 48 - grep --max-depth -1 in working tree

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 49 - grep --max-depth 0 in working tree

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}t/a/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H -- "*" >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 50 - grep --max-depth 0 -- '*' in working tree

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth 1 -n -e vvv $H >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 51 - grep --max-depth 1 in working tree

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H -- t >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 52 - grep --max-depth 0 -- t in working tree

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H -- . t >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 53 - grep --max-depth 0 -- . t in working tree

expecting success: 
                        echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
                        echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
                } >expected &&
                git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H -- t . >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 54 - grep --max-depth 0 -- t . in working tree

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:a+bc" >expected &&
                git -c grep.extendedRegexp=false grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 55 - grep in working tree with grep.extendedRegexp=false

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:abc" >expected &&
                git -c grep.extendedRegexp=true grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 56 - grep in working tree with grep.extendedRegexp=true

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:a+bc" >expected &&
                git -c grep.patterntype=basic grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 57 - grep in working tree with grep.patterntype=basic

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:abc" >expected &&
                git -c grep.patterntype=extended grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 58 - grep in working tree with grep.patterntype=extended

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:a+b*c" >expected &&
                git -c grep.patterntype=fixed grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 59 - grep in working tree with grep.patterntype=fixed

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:a+b*c" >expected &&
                git -c grep.patterntype=perl grep "a\x{2b}b\x{2a}c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 60 - grep in working tree with grep.patterntype=perl

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:abc" >expected &&
                git \
                        -c grep.patternType=default \
                        -c grep.extendedRegexp=true \
                        grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 61 - grep in working tree with grep.patternType=default and grep.extendedRegexp=true

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:abc" >expected &&
                git \
                        -c grep.extendedRegexp=true \
                        -c grep.patternType=default \
                        grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 62 - grep in working tree with grep.extendedRegexp=true and grep.patternType=default

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:abc" >expected &&
                git \
                        -c grep.patternType=extended \
                        -c grep.extendedRegexp=false \
                        grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 63 - grep in working tree with grep.patternType=extended and grep.extendedRegexp=false

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:a+bc" >expected &&
                git \
                        -c grep.patternType=basic \
                        -c grep.extendedRegexp=true \
                        grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 64 - grep in working tree with grep.patternType=basic and grep.extendedRegexp=true

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:abc" >expected &&
                git \
                        -c grep.extendedRegexp=false \
                        -c grep.patternType=extended \
                        grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 65 - grep in working tree with grep.extendedRegexp=false and grep.patternType=extended

expecting success: 
                echo "${HC}ab:a+bc" >expected &&
                git \
                        -c grep.extendedRegexp=true \
                        -c grep.patternType=basic \
                        grep "a+b*c" $H ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 66 - grep in working tree with grep.extendedRegexp=true and grep.patternType=basic

expecting success: 
                echo ${HC}ab:3 >expected &&
                git grep --count -e b $H -- ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 67 - grep --count in working tree

expecting success: 
                echo 3 >expected &&
                git grep --count -h -e b $H -- ab >actual &&
                test_cmp expected actual

ok 68 - grep --count -h in working tree

expecting success: 
        git grep -l -C1 foo >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 69 - grep -l -C

expecting success: 
        git grep -c -C1 foo >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 70 - grep -l -C

expecting success: 
        git ls-files >expected &&
        git grep -L -C1 nonexistent_string >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 71 - grep -L -C

expecting success: 
        git grep -e "foo mmap" --and -e bar_mmap >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 72 - grep -e A --and -e B

expecting success: 
        git grep \( -e foo_ --or -e baz \) \
                --and -e " mmap" >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 73 - grep ( -e A --or -e B ) --and -e B

expecting success: 
        git grep -e "foo mmap" --and --not -e bar_mmap >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 74 - grep -e A --and --not -e B

expecting success: 
        GREP_OPTIONS=-v git grep " mmap bar\$" >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 75 - grep should ignore GREP_OPTIONS

expecting success: 
        test_must_fail git grep -f patterns

fatal: cannot open 'patterns': No such file or directory
ok 76 - grep -f, non-existent file

expecting success: 
        git grep -f pattern >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 77 - grep -f, one pattern

expecting success: 
        git grep -f patterns >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 78 - grep -f, multiple patterns

expecting success: 
        git grep "$(cat patterns)" >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 79 - grep, multiple patterns

expecting success: 
        git grep -f patterns >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 80 - grep -f, ignore empty lines

expecting success: 
        git grep -f - <patterns >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 81 - grep -f, ignore empty lines, read patterns from stdin

expecting success: 
        >empty &&
        git grep -q mmap >actual &&
        test_cmp empty actual &&
        test_must_fail git grep -q qfwfq >actual &&
        test_cmp empty actual

ok 82 - grep -q, silently report matches

expecting success: 
        git grep -C1 "^[yz]" >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 83 - grep -C1 hunk mark between files

expecting success: 
        echo a >>file &&
        test_tick &&
        GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="With * Asterisk" \
        GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="xy...@frotz.com" \
        git commit -a -m "second" &&

        echo a >>file &&
        test_tick &&
        git commit -a -m "third" &&

        echo a >>file &&
        test_tick &&
        GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Night Fall" \
        GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="nit...@frobozz.com" \
        git commit -a -m "fourth"

[master b39ecf0] second
 Author: With * Asterisk <xy...@frotz.com>
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
[master 8f9afb5] third
 Author: A U Thor <aut...@example.com>
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
[master 2d5652e] fourth
 Author: Night Fall <nit...@frobozz.com>
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
ok 84 - log grep setup

expecting success: 
        git log --author=author --pretty=tformat:%s >actual &&
                echo third && echo initial
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 85 - log grep (1)

expecting success: 
        git log --author=" * " -F --pretty=tformat:%s >actual &&
                echo second
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 86 - log grep (2)

expecting success: 
        git log --author="^A U" --pretty=tformat:%s >actual &&
                echo third && echo initial
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 87 - log grep (3)

expecting success: 
        git log --author="frotz\.com>$" --pretty=tformat:%s >actual &&
                echo second
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 88 - log grep (4)

expecting success: 
        git log --author=Thor -F --pretty=tformat:%s >actual &&
                echo third && echo initial
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 89 - log grep (5)

expecting success: 
        git log --author=-0700  --pretty=tformat:%s >actual &&
        >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 90 - log grep (6)

expecting success: 
        git log -g --grep-reflog="commit: third" --pretty=tformat:%s >actual &&
        echo third >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 91 - log grep (7)

expecting success: 
        git log -g --grep-reflog="commit: third" --grep-reflog="commit: second" --pretty=tformat:%s >actual &&
                echo third && echo second
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 92 - log grep (8)

expecting success: 
        git log -g --grep-reflog="commit: third" --author="Thor" --pretty=tformat:%s >actual &&
        echo third >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 93 - log grep (9)

expecting success: 
        git log -g --grep-reflog="commit: third" --author="non-existant" --pretty=tformat:%s >actual &&
        : >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 94 - log grep (9)

expecting success: 
        test_must_fail git log --grep-reflog="commit: third"

fatal: cannot use --grep-reflog without --walk-reflogs
ok 95 - log --grep-reflog can only be used under -g

expecting success: 
        git log --grep=i --grep=r --format=%s >actual &&
                echo fourth && echo third && echo initial
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 96 - log with multiple --grep uses union

expecting success: 
        git log --all-match --grep=i --grep=r --format=%s >actual &&
                echo third
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 97 - log --all-match with multiple --grep uses intersection

expecting success: 
        git log --author="Thor" --author="Aster" --format=%s >actual &&
            echo third && echo second && echo initial
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 98 - log with multiple --author uses union

expecting success: 
        git log --all-match --author="Thor" --author="Aster" --format=%s >actual &&
            echo third && echo second && echo initial
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 99 - log --all-match with multiple --author still uses union

expecting success: 
        # grep matches only third and fourth
        # author matches only initial and third
        git log --author="A U Thor" --grep=r --format=%s >actual &&
                echo third
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 100 - log --grep --author uses intersection

expecting success: 
        # grep matches initial and second but not third
        # author matches only initial and third
        git log --author="A U Thor" --grep=s --grep=l --format=%s >actual &&
                echo initial
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 101 - log --grep --grep --author takes union of greps and intersects with author

expecting success: 
        # grep matches only initial and third
        # author matches all but second
        git log --all-match --author="Thor" --author="Night" --grep=i --format=%s >actual &&
            echo third && echo initial
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 102 - log ---all-match -grep --author --author still takes union of authors and intersects with grep

expecting success: 
        # grep matches only initial and third
        # author matches all but second
        git log --author="Thor" --author="Night" --grep=i --format=%s >actual &&
            echo third && echo initial
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 103 - log --grep --author --author takes union of authors and intersects with grep

expecting success: 
        # grep matches only third
        # author matches only initial and third
        git log --all-match --author="A U Thor" --grep=i --grep=r --format=%s >actual &&
                echo third
        } >expect &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 104 - log --all-match --grep --grep --author takes intersection

expecting success: 
        : >expect &&
        git log --author="$GIT_AUTHOR_DATE" >actual &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 105 - log --author does not search in timestamp

expecting success: 
        : >expect &&
        git log --committer="$GIT_COMMITTER_DATE" >actual &&
        test_cmp expect actual

ok 106 - log --committer does not search in timestamp

expecting success: 
        git update-index --assume-unchanged t/t &&
        rm t/t &&
        test "$(git grep test)" = "t/t:test" &&
        git update-index --no-assume-unchanged t/t &&
        git checkout t/t

ok 107 - grep with CE_VALID file

expecting success: 
        git config diff.custom.funcname "^#" &&
        echo "hello.c diff=custom" >.gitattributes &&
        git grep -p return >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 108 - grep -p with userdiff

expecting success: 
        rm -f .gitattributes &&
        git grep -p return >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 109 - grep -p

expecting success: 
        git grep -p -B5 return >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 110 - grep -p -B5

expecting success: 
        git grep -W return >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 111 - grep -W

expecting success: 
        test_when_finished "rm -f .gitattributes" &&
        git config diff.custom.xfuncname "(printf.*|})$" &&
        echo "hello.c diff=custom" >.gitattributes &&
        git grep -W return >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 112 - grep -W with userdiff

expecting success: 
        mkdir -p s &&
                cd s && git grep "x x x" ..

../x:x x xx x
ok 113 - grep from a subdirectory to search wider area (1)

expecting success: 
        mkdir -p s &&
                cd s || exit 1
                ( git grep xxyyzz .. >out ; echo $? >status )
                ! test -s out &&
                test 1 = $(cat status)

ok 114 - grep from a subdirectory to search wider area (2)

expecting success: 
        git grep -Fi "CHAR *" >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 115 - grep -Fi

expecting success: 
        rm -fr non &&
        mkdir -p non/git/sub &&
        echo hello >non/git/file1 &&
        echo world >non/git/sub/file2 &&
                echo file1:hello &&
                echo sub/file2:world
        } >non/expect.full &&
        echo file2:world >non/expect.sub &&
                GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES="$(pwd)/non/git" &&
                export GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES &&
                cd non/git &&
                test_must_fail git grep o &&
                git grep --no-index o >../actual.full &&
                test_cmp ../expect.full ../actual.full
                cd sub &&
                test_must_fail git grep o &&
                git grep --no-index o >../../actual.sub &&
                test_cmp ../../expect.sub ../../actual.sub
        ) &&

        echo ".*o*" >non/git/.gitignore &&
                GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES="$(pwd)/non/git" &&
                export GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES &&
                cd non/git &&
                test_must_fail git grep o &&
                git grep --no-index --exclude-standard o >../actual.full &&
                test_cmp ../expect.full ../actual.full &&

                        echo ".gitignore:.*o*"
                        cat ../expect.full
                } >../expect.with.ignored &&
                git grep --no-index --no-exclude o >../actual.full &&
                test_cmp ../expect.with.ignored ../actual.full

fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
ok 116 - outside of git repository

expecting success: 
        rm -fr is &&
        mkdir -p is/git/sub &&
        echo hello >is/git/file1 &&
        echo world >is/git/sub/file2 &&
        echo ".*o*" >is/git/.gitignore &&
                echo file1:hello &&
                echo sub/file2:world
        } >is/expect.unignored &&
                echo ".gitignore:.*o*" &&
                cat is/expect.unignored
        } >is/expect.full &&
        : >is/expect.empty &&
        echo file2:world >is/expect.sub &&
                cd is/git &&
                git init &&
                test_must_fail git grep o >../actual.full &&
                test_cmp ../expect.empty ../actual.full &&

                git grep --untracked o >../actual.unignored &&
                test_cmp ../expect.unignored ../actual.unignored &&

                git grep --no-index o >../actual.full &&
                test_cmp ../expect.full ../actual.full &&

                git grep --no-index --exclude-standard o >../actual.unignored &&
                test_cmp ../expect.unignored ../actual.unignored &&

                cd sub &&
                test_must_fail git grep o >../../actual.sub &&
                test_cmp ../../expect.empty ../../actual.sub &&

                git grep --no-index o >../../actual.sub &&
                test_cmp ../../expect.sub ../../actual.sub &&

                git grep --untracked o >../../actual.sub &&
                test_cmp ../../expect.sub ../../actual.sub

Initialized empty Git repository in /usr/src/dev-vcs/git-2.7.3-r1/work/git-2.7.3/t/trash directory.t7810-grep/is/git/.git/
ok 117 - inside git repository but with --no-index

expecting success: 
cat >double-dash <<EOF &&
git add double-dash

ok 118 - setup double-dash tests

expecting success: 
        git grep -- "->" >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 119 - grep -- pattern

expecting success: 
        git grep -- "->" -- double-dash >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 120 - grep -- pattern -- pathspec

expecting success: 
        git grep -e "->" -- double-dash >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 121 - grep -e pattern -- path

expecting success: 
        git grep -e -- -- double-dash >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 122 - grep -e -- -- path

expecting success: 
        git grep --perl-regexp "\p{Ps}.*?\p{Pe}" hello.c >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 123 - grep --perl-regexp pattern

expecting success: 
        git grep -P "\p{Ps}.*?\p{Pe}" hello.c >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 124 - grep -P pattern

expecting success: 
        >empty &&
        test_must_fail git -c grep.extendedregexp=true \
                grep "\p{Ps}.*?\p{Pe}" hello.c >actual &&
        test_cmp empty actual

fatal: command line, '\p{Ps}.*?\p{Pe}': Invalid contents of {}
ok 125 - grep pattern with grep.extendedRegexp=true

expecting success: 
        git -c grep.extendedregexp=true \
                grep -P "\p{Ps}.*?\p{Pe}" hello.c >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 126 - grep -P pattern with grep.extendedRegexp=true

expecting success: 
                echo "ab:a+b*c"
                echo "ab:a+bc"
        } >expected &&
        git grep -P -v "abc" ab >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 127 - grep -P -v pattern

expecting success: 
        cat >expected <<-EOF &&
        hello.c:        printf("Hello world.\n");
        git grep -P -i "PRINTF\([^\d]+\)" hello.c >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 128 - grep -P -i pattern

expecting success: 
                echo "hello_world:Hello world"
                echo "hello_world:HeLLo world"
        } >expected &&
        git grep -P -w "He((?i)ll)o" hello_world >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 129 - grep -P -w pattern

expecting success: 
        test_must_fail git grep -G "a["

fatal: command line, 'a[': Missing ']'
ok 130 - grep -G invalidpattern properly dies 

expecting success: 
        test_must_fail git -c grep.patterntype=basic grep "a["

fatal: command line, 'a[': Missing ']'
ok 131 - grep invalidpattern properly dies with grep.patternType=basic

expecting success: 
        test_must_fail git grep -E "a["

fatal: command line, 'a[': Missing ']'
ok 132 - grep -E invalidpattern properly dies 

expecting success: 
        test_must_fail git -c grep.patterntype=extended grep "a["

fatal: command line, 'a[': Missing ']'
ok 133 - grep invalidpattern properly dies with grep.patternType=extended

expecting success: 
        test_must_fail git grep -P "a["

fatal: command line, 'a[': missing terminating ] for character class
ok 134 - grep -P invalidpattern properly dies 

expecting success: 
        test_must_fail git -c grep.patterntype=perl grep "a["

fatal: command line, 'a[': missing terminating ] for character class
ok 135 - grep invalidpattern properly dies with grep.patternType=perl

expecting success: 
        echo "ab:a+b*c" >expected &&
        git grep -G -E -F "a+b*c" ab >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 136 - grep -G -E -F pattern

expecting success: 
        echo "ab:a+b*c" >expected &&
        git \
                -c grep.patterntype=basic \
                -c grep.patterntype=extended \
                -c grep.patterntype=fixed \
                grep "a+b*c" ab >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 137 - grep pattern with grep.patternType=basic, =extended, =fixed

expecting success: 
        echo "ab:a+bc" >expected &&
        git grep -E -F -G "a+b*c" ab >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 138 - grep -E -F -G pattern

expecting success: 
        echo "ab:a+bc" >expected &&
        git \
                -c grep.patterntype=extended \
                -c grep.patterntype=fixed \
                -c grep.patterntype=basic \
                grep "a+b*c" ab >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 139 - grep pattern with grep.patternType=extended, =fixed, =basic

expecting success: 
        echo "ab:abc" >expected &&
        git grep -F -G -E "a+b*c" ab >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 140 - grep -F -G -E pattern

expecting success: 
        echo "ab:abc" >expected &&
        git \
                -c grep.patterntype=fixed \
                -c grep.patterntype=basic \
                -c grep.patterntype=extended \
                grep "a+b*c" ab >actual &&
        test_cmp expected actual

ok 141 - grep pattern with grep.patternType=fixed, =basic, =extended

expecting success: 
        >empty &&
        test_must_fail git grep -G -F -P -E "a\x{2b}b\x{2a}c" ab >actual &&
        test_cmp empty actual

test_must_fail: command succeeded: git grep -G -F -P -E a\x{2b}b\x{2a}c ab
not ok 142 - grep -G -F -P -E pattern
#               >empty &&
#               test_must_fail git grep -G -F -P -E "a\x{2b}b\x{2a}c" ab >actual &&
#               test_cmp empty actual
elaine t # elaine t # cd trash\ directory.t7810-grep/
elaine trash directory.t7810-grep # git grep -G -F -P -E a\x{2b}b\x{2a}c ab >actual
fatal: command line, 'ax{2b}bx{2a}c': Invalid contents of {}
elaine trash directory.t7810-grep # echo $?
elaine trash directory.t7810-grep # cat actual
elaine trash directory.t7810-grep # rm actual
elaine trash directory.t7810-grep #

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