On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 5:36 PM, Jeff King <p...@peff.net> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 01:38:28PM -0400, Phil Hord wrote:
>> > I am not sure it is sufficient as-is, though. It does not seem to ever
>> > clear variables, only set them, which means that values could leak
>> > across iterations of the loop,  [...] E.g., when
>> > the first submodule has submodule.*.foo set but the second one does not,
>> > you will still end up with $submodule_foo set when you process the
>> > second one.
>> Good point.  That should not happen.
>> > or down to recursive calls.
>> Frankly, I consider that to be a feature.  However, I can see how it
>> would be considered inconsistent in many ways, so it's probably best
>> to squash it.  :-\
> I think it would depend on the semantics of the option. Some options
> would probably make sense to apply recursively, and some not.
> Maybe instead of blindly converting config into the environment, it
> should forward or clear specific known-meaning config.

Well, that's where we started.  I was aiming for the more generic
"never needs updating" direction.

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