On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 5:09 PM, SZEDER Gábor <szeder....@gmail.com> wrote:
> ref-filter's parse_ref_filter_atom() function parses an atom between
> the start and end pointers it gets as arguments.  This is fine for two
> of its callers, which process '%(atom)' format specifiers and the end
> pointer comes directly from strchr() looking for the closing ')'.
> However, it's not quite so straightforward for its other two callers,
> which process sort specifiers given as plain nul-terminated strings.
> Especially not for ref_default_sorting(), which has the default
> hard-coded as a string literal, but can't use it directly, because a
> pointer to the end of that string literal is needed as well.
> The next patch will add yet another caller using a string literal.

Oops, that last sentence should be deleted, there is no third patch, sorry.


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