On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 12:24:15PM -0800, Junio C Hamano wrote:

> > Do you want to do another round of -rc3? Ship with the
> > minor regressions and fix them up in v2.11.1?
> I am leaning towards the former (though we may also end up doing the
> latter).

I think I'd lead towards -rc3, as well. Our schedule is somewhat
arbitrary anyway, and one week is less important than somebody picking
up the new release and trying to puzzle out a regression that we already
have a fix for.

> Here is an initial attempt.  It turns out that write_archive() must
> be callable outside a repository to respond to "git archive --list",
> which happens in parse_archive_args(), and the "have-repository?"
> check cannot be moved before that to the caller.

Right, that makes sense. t5000 already tests git-archive outside of a
repo, although it does it in a funny way (it sets GIT_DIR rather than
relying on GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES). We should cover that and make sure
that --remote works outside of a repo. Those work now, but we want to
make sure we don't regress them.

And then we want to test that --remote can read a configured remote

And then post-v2.11, we'd want to check that --remote=foo outside of a
repo produces a sane error instead of looking for a bogus

Something like this, which does all but the last (and that should
probably happen separately post-release).

diff --git a/t/t5000-tar-tree.sh b/t/t5000-tar-tree.sh
index 80b238734..09df7f045 100755
--- a/t/t5000-tar-tree.sh
+++ b/t/t5000-tar-tree.sh
@@ -94,6 +94,20 @@ check_tar() {
+# run "$@" inside a non-git directory
+nongit () {
+       test -d non-repo ||
+       mkdir non-repo ||
+       return 1
+       (
+               GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES=$(pwd) &&
+               export GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES &&
+               cd non-repo &&
+               "$@"
+       )
 test_expect_success \
     'populate workdir' \
     'mkdir a &&
@@ -179,6 +193,12 @@ test_expect_success 'git archive --remote' \
     'git archive --remote=. HEAD >b5.tar &&
     test_cmp_bin b.tar b5.tar'
+test_expect_success 'git archive --remote with configured remote' '
+       git config remote.foo.url . &&
+       git archive --remote=foo HEAD >b5-nick.tar &&
+       test_cmp_bin b.tar b5-nick.tar
 test_expect_success \
     'validate file modification time' \
     'mkdir extract &&
@@ -197,9 +217,15 @@ test_expect_success 'git archive with --output, override 
inferred format' '
        test_cmp_bin b.tar d4.zip
-test_expect_success \
-    'git archive --list outside of a git repo' \
-    'GIT_DIR=some/non-existing/directory git archive --list'
+test_expect_success 'git archive --list outside of a git repo' '
+       nongit git archive --list
+test_expect_success 'git archive --remote outside of a git repo' '
+       git archive HEAD >expect.tar &&
+       nongit git archive --remote="$PWD" HEAD >actual.tar &&
+       test_cmp_bin expect.tar actual.tar
 test_expect_success 'clients cannot access unreachable commits' '
        test_commit unreachable &&

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