Jacob Keller <jacob.kel...@gmail.com> writes:

>> We have %s and %b so that we can reconstruct the whole thing by
>> using both.  It is unclear how %bT fits in this picture.  I wonder
>> if we also need another placeholder that expands to the body of the
>> message without the trailer---otherwise the whole set would become
>> incoherent, no?
> I'm not entirely sure what to do here. I just wanted a way to easily
> format "just the trailers" of a message. We could add something that
> formats just the non-trailers, that's not too difficult. Not really
> sure what I'd call it though.

I was wondering if %(log:<name of a part>) was a better way to go.

%(log:title) and %(log:body) would be equivalents of traditional %s
and %b, and %(log:body) in turn would be a shorter way to write
%(log:description)%+(log:trailer), i.e. show the message body, and
if there is a trailer block, add it after adding a blank line.

Or something like that?

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