Am 24.10.2012 00:02, schrieb Nahor:
> On 2012-10-23 13:36, Jens Lehmann wrote:
>> Am 23.10.2012 21:16, schrieb Nahor:
>>> Last issue, the branch that exists in your local repository may not
>>> exist in someone else's repository, either because the branch is
>>> purely local, or because it has a different name on the remote repo.
>> You'll always face this kind of problems with commits too when using
>> submodules, so I don't see that as a problem here.
> Commits can't change or disappear during "normal" git operation (i.e. without 
> using "git push -f" or "git branch -D").
> A commit also has the same id in all the clones repository so there is no 
> issue of a different name between the local and the remote repositories.

But if you forget to push a submodule commit it won't exist in someone
else's repository and so he won't be able to update the submodule after
checking out a commit in the superproject that records that unpushed
submodule commit.
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