Some versions of uniq -c write the count left-justified, other version
write it right-justified. Be prepared for both kinds.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Sixt <>
Here it is as a proper patch.

Am 03.11.2016 um 01:41 schrieb Lars Schneider:
>> On 2 Nov 2016, at 18:03, Johannes Sixt <> wrote:
>> +        sort "$FILE" | uniq -c |
>> +        sed -e "s/^ *[0-9][0-9]* *IN: /x IN: /" >"$FILE.tmp" &&
> This looks good (thanks for cleaning up the redundant clean/smudge
> stuff - that was a refactoring artifact!). One minor nit: doesn't sed
> understand '[0-9]+' ?

I don't think so.

>> +        mv "$FILE.tmp" "$FILE" || return
> Why '|| return' here?

If there is an error in the pipeline or in the mv command, the for loop
would not exit otherwise. The subsequent test_cmp most likely fails,
but the || return is more correct.

 t/ | 7 +++----
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a20b9f58e3..db71acacb3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -40,10 +40,9 @@ test_cmp_count () {
        for FILE in "$expect" "$actual"
-               sort "$FILE" | uniq -c | sed "s/^[ ]*//" |
-                       sed "s/^\([0-9]\) IN: clean/x IN: clean/" |
-                       sed "s/^\([0-9]\) IN: smudge/x IN: smudge/" 
>"$FILE.tmp" &&
-               mv "$FILE.tmp" "$FILE"
+               sort "$FILE" | uniq -c |
+               sed -e "s/^ *[0-9][0-9]*[       ]*IN: /x IN: /" >"$FILE.tmp" &&
+               mv "$FILE.tmp" "$FILE" || return
        done &&
        test_cmp "$expect" "$actual"

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