On October 9, 2016 5:15:22 PM PDT, Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia <jerem...@freedesktop.org> wrote: >Hey Josh, > >Hope you're doing well. > >I wanted to let you know that this patch of yours, which landed in git >2.10.1, introduced some test failures, seen on macOS. > >Let me know if you need any additional information to track these down. > >Thanks, >Jeremy > > >not ok 65 - format-patch default signature ># ># git format-patch --stdout -1 | tail -n 3 >output && ># signature >expect && ># test_cmp expect output ># > >not ok 132 - format-patch --base ># ># git checkout side && ># git format-patch --stdout --base=HEAD~3 -1 | tail -n 7 >actual >&& ># echo >expected && ># echo "base-commit: $(git rev-parse HEAD~3)" >>expected && ># echo "prerequisite-patch-id: $(git show --patch HEAD~2 | git >patch-id --stable | awk "{print \$1}")" >>expected && ># echo "prerequisite-patch-id: $(git show --patch HEAD~1 | git >patch-id --stable | awk "{print \$1}")" >>expected && ># signature >> expected && ># test_cmp expected actual >#
Can you run the test with the option to show the expected and actual strings? Did the testsuite run with the wrong git somehow?