SZEDER Gábor <> writes:

> Gut feeling tells me that I should take this as a subtle
> encouragement to look into adding 'versionsort.postreleasesuffix',
> shouldn't I ;)

It is more like "this made me realize that these are merely 'suffix'
after the real release name, no pre- or post- about them", also
known as "I think PREreleasesuffix was a mistake and we weren't
thinking clearly enough when we added it."

To me, this looks like a list of possible suffixes that can include
an empty suffix to denote "the real thing", e.g.

    versionsort.suffix = "-alpha" "-beta" "" "-gamma" "-delta"

and that position in the list determines the order of things inside
the same family of versions that share the same "non-suffix" part.

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