Jonathan Tan <> writes:

> Sounds reasonable to me. Would the "[" be a bit of overspecification,
> though, since Git doesn't produce it? Also, identifying it as a
> garbage line probably wouldn't change any behavior - in the Linux
> kernel examples, it is used to show what happened in between
> sign-offs, so there will always be one "Signed-off-by:" at the top.

Good thinking.  As "interpret trailers" cannot locate such a line to
manipulate (as it lacks <token>), we can simply treat it as a
garbage line.

>>     struct {
>>      const char *whole;
>>      const char *end_of_message_proper;
>>      struct {
>>              const char *token;
>>              const char *contents;
>>      } *trailer;
>>      int alloc_trailers, nr_trailers;
>>     };
>> where
>>  - whole points at the first byte of the input, i.e. the beginning
>>    of the commit message buffer.
>>  - end-of-message-proper points at the first byte of the trailer
>>    block into the buffer at "whole".
>>  - token is a canonical header name for easy comparison for
>>    interpret-trailers (you can use NULL for garbage lines, and made
>>    up token like "[bracket]" and "(cherrypick)" that would not clash
>>    with real tokens like "Signed-off-by").
>>  - contents is the bytes on the logical line, including the header
>>    part
>> E.g. an element in trailer[] array may say
>>     {
>>      .token = "Signed-off-by",
>>         .contents = "Signed-Off-By: Some Body <s...@body.xz>\n",
>>     }
> I get the impression from the rest of your e-mail that no strings are
> meant to be copied - is that true? (That sounds like a good idea to
> me.)

I was envisioning that "whole", "end-of-message" can point into the
input buffer, while trailer[].contents may have to be copied, if
only to make it to a NUL-terminated string.  But I am fine with
<ptr,len> or <begin,end> pair to avoid copying .contents if that is
desired.  You'd need to worry about differentiating .contents that
need to be freed after "interpret trailers" inserted a new entry or
replaced the contents, though.

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