Vasco Almeida <> writes:

> -             $_ = ask("What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): 
> ",
> +             # TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your
> +             # translation. The program will only accept English input
> +             # at this point.
> +             $_ = ask(__("What to do with this address? 
> ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "),
>                       valid_re => qr/^(?:quit|q|drop|d|edit|e)/i,
>                       default => 'q');
> ...
> -             $_ = ask("Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[q]uit|[a]ll): ",
> +             # TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [q] [a] in your
> +             # translation. The program will only accept English input
> +             # at this point.
> +             $_ = ask(__("Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[q]uit|[a]ll): "),
>                        valid_re => qr/^(?:yes|y|no|n|quit|q|all|a)/i,
>                        default => $ask_default);

The same comment as the one for the prompt in "add -i" applies
here.  If something should not be translated, perhaps we are better
off pushing it outside __(), no?

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