In particular on Windows, where shell scripts are even more expensive
than on MacOSX or Linux, it makes sense to move a loop that forks
Git at least once for every line in the todo list into a builtin.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 builtin/rebase--helper.c   |   7 +- | 164 ++-------------------------------------------
 sequencer.c                | 124 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sequencer.h                |   1 +
 4 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builtin/rebase--helper.c b/builtin/rebase--helper.c
index 9444c8d..e706eac 100644
--- a/builtin/rebase--helper.c
+++ b/builtin/rebase--helper.c
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ int cmd_rebase__helper(int argc, const char **argv, const 
char *prefix)
        struct replay_opts opts = REPLAY_OPTS_INIT;
        int keep_empty = 0;
        enum {
+               CHECK_TODO_LIST
        } command = 0;
        struct option options[] = {
                OPT_BOOL(0, "ff", &opts.allow_ff, N_("allow fast-forward")),
@@ -28,6 +29,8 @@ int cmd_rebase__helper(int argc, const char **argv, const 
char *prefix)
                        N_("shorten SHA-1s in the todo list"), SHORTEN_SHA1S),
                OPT_CMDMODE(0, "expand-sha1s", &command,
                        N_("expand SHA-1s in the todo list"), EXPAND_SHA1S),
+               OPT_CMDMODE(0, "check-todo-list", &command,
+                       N_("check the todo list"), CHECK_TODO_LIST),
@@ -50,5 +53,7 @@ int cmd_rebase__helper(int argc, const char **argv, const 
char *prefix)
                return !!transform_todo_ids(1);
        if (command == EXPAND_SHA1S && argc == 1)
                return !!transform_todo_ids(0);
+       if (command == CHECK_TODO_LIST && argc == 1)
+               return !!check_todo_list();
        usage_with_options(builtin_rebase_helper_usage, options);
diff --git a/ b/
index f642ec2..02a7698 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -880,96 +880,6 @@ add_exec_commands () {
        mv "$" "$1"
-# Check if the SHA-1 passed as an argument is a
-# correct one, if not then print $2 in "$todo".badsha
-# $1: the SHA-1 to test
-# $2: the line number of the input
-# $3: the input filename
-check_commit_sha () {
-       badsha=0
-       if test -z "$1"
-       then
-               badsha=1
-       else
-               sha1_verif="$(git rev-parse --verify --quiet $1^{commit})"
-               if test -z "$sha1_verif"
-               then
-                       badsha=1
-               fi
-       fi
-       if test $badsha -ne 0
-       then
-               line="$(sed -n -e "${2}p" "$3")"
-               warn "$(eval_gettext "\
-Warning: the SHA-1 is missing or isn't a commit in the following line:
- - \$line")"
-               warn
-       fi
-       return $badsha
-# prints the bad commits and bad commands
-# from the todolist in stdin
-check_bad_cmd_and_sha () {
-       retval=0
-       lineno=0
-       while read -r command rest
-       do
-               lineno=$(( $lineno + 1 ))
-               case $command in
-               "$comment_char"*|''|noop|x|exec)
-                       # Doesn't expect a SHA-1
-                       ;;
-               "$cr")
-                       # Work around CR left by "read" (e.g. with Git for
-                       # Windows' Bash).
-                       ;;
-               pick|p|drop|d|reword|r|edit|e|squash|s|fixup|f)
-                       if ! check_commit_sha "${rest%%[        ]*}" "$lineno" 
-                       then
-                               retval=1
-                       fi
-                       ;;
-               *)
-                       line="$(sed -n -e "${lineno}p" "$1")"
-                       warn "$(eval_gettext "\
-Warning: the command isn't recognized in the following line:
- - \$line")"
-                       warn
-                       retval=1
-                       ;;
-               esac
-       done <"$1"
-       return $retval
-# Print the list of the SHA-1 of the commits
-# from stdin to stdout
-todo_list_to_sha_list () {
-       git stripspace --strip-comments |
-       while read -r command sha1 rest
-       do
-               case $command in
-               "$comment_char"*|''|noop|x|"exec")
-                       ;;
-               *)
-                       long_sha=$(git rev-list --no-walk "$sha1" 2>/dev/null)
-                       printf "%s\n" "$long_sha"
-                       ;;
-               esac
-       done
-# Use warn for each line in stdin
-warn_lines () {
-       while read -r line
-       do
-               warn " - $line"
-       done
 # Switch to the branch in $into and notify it in the reflog
 checkout_onto () {
        GIT_REFLOG_ACTION="$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION: checkout $onto_name"
@@ -984,74 +894,6 @@ get_missing_commit_check_level () {
        printf '%s' "$check_level" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'
-# Check if the user dropped some commits by mistake
-# Behaviour determined by rebase.missingCommitsCheck.
-# Check if there is an unrecognized command or a
-# bad SHA-1 in a command.
-check_todo_list () {
-       raise_error=f
-       check_level=$(get_missing_commit_check_level)
-       case "$check_level" in
-       warn|error)
-               # Get the SHA-1 of the commits
-               todo_list_to_sha_list <"$todo".backup >"$todo".oldsha1
-               todo_list_to_sha_list <"$todo" >"$todo".newsha1
-               # Sort the SHA-1 and compare them
-               sort -u "$todo".oldsha1 >"$todo".oldsha1+
-               mv "$todo".oldsha1+ "$todo".oldsha1
-               sort -u "$todo".newsha1 >"$todo".newsha1+
-               mv "$todo".newsha1+ "$todo".newsha1
-               comm -2 -3 "$todo".oldsha1 "$todo".newsha1 >"$todo".miss
-               # Warn about missing commits
-               if test -s "$todo".miss
-               then
-                       test "$check_level" = error && raise_error=t
-                       warn "$(gettext "\
-Warning: some commits may have been dropped accidentally.
-Dropped commits (newer to older):")"
-                       # Make the list user-friendly and display
-                       opt="--no-walk=sorted --format=oneline --abbrev-commit 
-                       git rev-list $opt <"$todo".miss | warn_lines
-                       warn "$(gettext "\
-To avoid this message, use \"drop\" to explicitly remove a commit.
-Use 'git config rebase.missingCommitsCheck' to change the level of warnings.
-The possible behaviours are: ignore, warn, error.")"
-                       warn
-               fi
-               ;;
-       ignore)
-               ;;
-       *)
-               warn "$(eval_gettext "Unrecognized setting \$check_level for 
option rebase.missingCommitsCheck. Ignoring.")"
-               ;;
-       esac
-       if ! check_bad_cmd_and_sha "$todo"
-       then
-               raise_error=t
-       fi
-       if test $raise_error = t
-       then
-               # Checkout before the first commit of the
-               # rebase: this way git rebase --continue
-               # will work correctly as it expects HEAD to be
-               # placed before the commit of the next action
-               checkout_onto
-               warn "$(gettext "You can fix this with 'git rebase 
-               die "$(gettext "Or you can abort the rebase with 'git rebase 
-       fi
 # The whole contents of this file is run by dot-sourcing it from
 # inside a shell function.  It used to be that "return"s we see
 # below were not inside any function, and expected to return
@@ -1315,7 +1157,11 @@ git_sequence_editor "$todo" ||
 has_action "$todo" ||
        return 2
+git rebase--helper --check-todo-list || {
+       ret=$?
+       checkout_onto
+       exit $ret
diff --git a/sequencer.c b/sequencer.c
index ee4fdb0..0c82925 100644
--- a/sequencer.c
+++ b/sequencer.c
@@ -2450,3 +2450,127 @@ int transform_todo_ids(int shorten_sha1s)
        return 0;
+enum check_level {
+static enum check_level get_missing_commit_check_level(void)
+       const char *value;
+       if (git_config_get_value("rebase.missingcommitscheck", &value) ||
+                       !strcasecmp("ignore", value))
+               return CHECK_IGNORE;
+       if (!strcasecmp("warn", value))
+               return CHECK_WARN;
+       if (!strcasecmp("error", value))
+               return CHECK_ERROR;
+       warning(_("Unrecognized setting $check_level for option"
+                       "rebase.missingCommitsCheck. Ignoring."));
+       return CHECK_IGNORE;
+ * Check if the user dropped some commits by mistake
+ * Behaviour determined by rebase.missingCommitsCheck.
+ * Check if there is an unrecognized command or a
+ * bad SHA-1 in a command.
+ */
+int check_todo_list(void)
+       enum check_level check_level = get_missing_commit_check_level();
+       struct strbuf todo_file = STRBUF_INIT;
+       struct todo_list todo_list = TODO_LIST_INIT;
+       struct commit_list *missing = NULL;
+       int raise_error = 0, res = 0, fd, i;
+       strbuf_addstr(&todo_file, rebase_path_todo());
+       fd = open(todo_file.buf, O_RDONLY);
+       if (fd < 0) {
+               res = error_errno(_("Could not open %s"), todo_file.buf);
+               goto leave_check;
+       }
+       if (strbuf_read(&todo_list.buf, fd, 0) < 0) {
+               close(fd);
+               res = error(_("Could not read %s."), todo_file.buf);
+               goto leave_check;
+       }
+       close(fd);
+       raise_error = res =
+               parse_insn_buffer(todo_list.buf.buf, &todo_list);
+       if (check_level == CHECK_IGNORE)
+               goto leave_check;
+       /* Get the SHA-1 of the commits */
+       for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
+               struct commit *commit = todo_list.items[i].commit;
+               if (commit)
+                       commit->util = todo_list.items + i;
+       }
+       todo_list_release(&todo_list);
+       strbuf_addstr(&todo_file, ".backup");
+       fd = open(todo_file.buf, O_RDONLY);
+       if (fd < 0) {
+               res = error_errno(_("Could not open %s"), todo_file.buf);
+               goto leave_check;
+       }
+       if (strbuf_read(&todo_list.buf, fd, 0) < 0) {
+               close(fd);
+               res = error(_("Could not read %s."), todo_file.buf);
+               goto leave_check;
+       }
+       close(fd);
+       strbuf_release(&todo_file);
+       res = !!parse_insn_buffer(todo_list.buf.buf, &todo_list);
+       /* Find commits that are missing after editing */
+       for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
+               struct commit *commit = todo_list.items[i].commit;
+               if (commit && !commit->util) {
+                       commit_list_insert(commit, &missing);
+                       commit->util = todo_list.items + i;
+               }
+       }
+       /* Warn about missing commits */
+       if (!missing)
+               goto leave_check;
+       if (check_level == CHECK_ERROR)
+               raise_error = res = 1;
+       fprintf(stderr,
+               _("Warning: some commits may have been dropped accidentally.\n"
+               "Dropped commits (newer to older):\n"));
+       /* Make the list user-friendly and display */
+       while (missing) {
+               struct commit *commit = pop_commit(&missing);
+               struct todo_item *item = commit->util;
+               fprintf(stderr, " - %s %.*s\n", short_commit_name(commit),
+                       item->arg_len, item->arg);
+       }
+       free_commit_list(missing);
+       fprintf(stderr, _("To avoid this message, use \"drop\" to "
+               "explicitly remove a commit.\n\n"
+               "Use 'git config rebase.missingCommitsCheck' to change "
+               "the level of warnings.\n"
+               "The possible behaviours are: ignore, warn, error.\n\n"));
+       strbuf_release(&todo_file);
+       todo_list_release(&todo_list);
+       if (raise_error)
+               fprintf(stderr,
+                       _("You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo'.\n"
+                       "Or you can abort the rebase with 'git rebase"
+                       " --abort'.\n"));
+       return res;
diff --git a/sequencer.h b/sequencer.h
index 5feb525..8e3daf9 100644
--- a/sequencer.h
+++ b/sequencer.h
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ int sequencer_make_script(int keep_empty, FILE *out,
                int argc, const char **argv);
 int transform_todo_ids(int shorten_sha1s);
+int check_todo_list(void);
 extern const char sign_off_header[];

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