On 10/15/2012 10:23 AM, Michael J Gruber wrote:
Sorry for being late ($DAYJOB and such), but I just noticed this is on
next already:
+ if [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWCOLORHINT-}" ]; then
You're missing the "S" here (HINTS).
indeed, well spotted!
My test setup was apparently configured without the S and the commented
uses all had HINTS...
+ local c_red='\e[31m'
+ local c_green='\e[32m'
+ local c_yellow='\e[33m'
+ local c_lblue='\e[1;34m'
+ local c_purple='\e[35m'
+ local c_cyan='\e[36m'
+ local c_clear='\e[0m'
+ local branchstring="$c${b##refs/heads/}"
+ local branch_color="$c_green"
+ local flags_color="$c_cyan"
+ if [ "$w" = "*" ]; then
+ branch_color="$c_red"
+ elif [ -n "$i" ]; then
+ branch_color="$c_yellow"
+ fi
+ # Setting PS1 directly with \[ and \] around
+ # is necessary to prevent wrapping issues!
+ if [ -n "$f" ]; then
+ PS1="$PS1
+ fi
+ else
+ PS1="$PS1$c${b##refs/heads/}${f:+ $f}$r$p"
+ fi
+ PS1="$PS1)$ps1pc_end"
+ else
+ # NO color option unless in PROMPT_COMMAND mode
printf -- "${1:- (%s)}" "$c${b##refs/heads/}${f:+
I'm afraid I don't like this coloring style at all because it is
inconsistent with the color usage of "git status -sb". First of all, the
colors are different, and second, the fact *what* is colored is
different. I had suggested following "git status -sb" for a good reason.
It colors a branch green and a detached head red. It colors "change"
(A/D/M/R) as red/green depending on non-cached/cached, so that's how */+
should be. Your call for $/% (I'd leave them uncolored).[*][**]
This way works for me. The coloring scheme itself is probably quite
personal and can, and probably should, be modified by end-users.
(Whether the current code is suitable for user-modification is another
I'm quite unfamiliar with the color coding of git (I hadn't enabled that
option), I suppose consistency would be better, but then you'd have to
add some code to figure out which color is used for what in git's output
and convert that to the code setting the colors here.
As for the characters used, I think there's a good reason not to use the
ones git uses in the prompt. The characters in git status output are put
in front of the files they apply to, in the prompt you only get a
summarized output. And perhaps that argument could be extended to the
use of the colors as well, I prefer to know whether I have uncommitted
changes and in that category I want to know whether I already staged
them or not.
If I want to know which files are unstaged/uncommitted I do git status
to see that.
I think it's very confusing to have completely different schemes (not
just themes) for two versions of the same information: concise status
So, please try and follow "git status -sb".
I think there are different levels of conciseness. And I see "git status
-sb" uses green for staged modified files, which would be confusing to me.
[*] Really, there's nothin "red" about a branch when there are cached or
non-cached changes. They are changes wrt. to what's in HEAD resp. the
index, no matter what HEAD is.
Do you mean that red (unstaged) and yellow (staged) are both "red" to you?
[**] Also, coloring the status characters opens the way to even using
the same characters as "status -sb" (ADM).
Perhaps, but that would be confusing to me ;-)
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