Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> One way to avoid that risk may be to release the new feature as
> "experimental-and-subject-to-change", so that interested users on
> Windows can actually try it out to see if the feature itself
> (whatever its interface to them is) makes sense, and you can gauge
> the value of upstreaming it, while cautioning these early adopters
> that it has not fully been through the usual review process and may
> have to change while becoming part of the official release.  This is
> no different from various "experimental features" we unleash to the
> wild, either via 'master' or keeping it in 'next' (we tend to do
> more of the latter, marking "see if anybody screams").

In case it was not clear, I am _not_ saying that the port to Windows
must not ship with any feature that is not yet in the upstream (the
same goes for a port to Macs, where it may want to do more about
dealing with Unicode "normalization" gotchas).  The differences in
platforms make it more likely that needs for certain things are felt
earlier and more strongly on a particular platform, and shipping a
new thing as an experimental feature to end-users may be the most
effective way to come up with the best approach to help the users.

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