Eric Wong <> wrote:
> Duy Nguyen <> wrote:
> > I read this and thought "temporarily" but apparently it's not [1]. A
> > lot of our links in the mail archive are gmane's :(
> > 
> > [1]
> I may not have time to integrate this extensibly into the public-inbox
> search engine today, but at least here is an NNTP article number to
> Message-ID mapping for non-NNTP users:

I'm working on getting "gmane:NNN" searches working.

I'm deploying and reindexing this change to one of the onions, first.
So, to get article 123 from "gmane:123":


        (%3A is the URI escape for ':')

For those unable to run Tor, you can also try using a Tor2web
proxy listed at  For example:

Additionally, searching by Message-ID with the search box will
also work after the reindexing (instead of just using the
Message-ID in the URL):

After this is fully-deployed and working well; the plan is also
to be able to fix existing gmane links (and also handling
the $gmane/NNN links that were commonly used).

> (~5 MB)
> Script used to generate this:
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