I just notice that the 1st line of the orignal message below has
only 56  characters, much shorter than other lines. It is because
this is a warning message, and would add a prefix: "warning: ".

#: builtin/push.c:151
msgid ""
"push.default is unset; its implicit value is changing in\n"
"Git 2.0 from 'matching' to 'simple'. To squelch this message\n"
"and maintain the current behavior after the default changes, use:\n"
"  git config --global push.default matching\n"

For this reason, translations as follows are not well-formed.
So I rewind git-po, and your commits may need a bit amend.

Swedish update from Peter:

+"push.default har inte ställts in; dess underförstådda värde ändras i\n"
+"Git 2.0 från \"matching\" till \"simple\". För att undertrycka det här\n"
+"meddelandet och behålla nuvarande beteende efter att förvalet ändras,\n"
+"skriver du:\n"
+"  git config --global push.default matching\n"

Vietnamese update form Trần Ngọc Quân:

+msgstr ""
+"push.default chưa được đặt, giá trị ngầm định của nó đã được thay đổi trong\n"
+"Git 2.0 từ 'matching' thành 'simple'. Để chấm dứt lời nhắc nhở này\n"
+"và duy trì cách xử lý sau những thay đổi mặc định này, hãy chạy lệnh:\n"
+"  git config --global push.default matching\n"

2012/9/6 Ralf Thielow <ralf.thie...@gmail.com>:
> Translate 2 new messages came from git.pot update in
> ccfca8d (l10n: Update git.pot (2 new, 4 removed messages)).
> Signed-off-by: Ralf Thielow <ralf.thie...@gmail.com>
> ---
> Hi German l10n team,
> please review this small update on German translation.
> This patch here is based on a preparation commit which
> just contains the "msgmerge" change.
> For an easier review, I'll copy the first message in english
> in this email.
> The second change shows that there are some newlines, came
> from 'msgmerge', on places where we don't want to have them.
> I'll fix that soon.
> A hint on this translation:
> I've translated "See 'git help config' and search for" as
> "Führe 'git help config' aus und suche nach...", not as
> "Siehe 'git help config' und suche nach..." because the second
> doesn't sound good to me. Perhaps someone else has a better
> idea.
> Thanks,
> Ralf
> #: builtin/push.c:151
> msgid ""
> "push.default is unset; its implicit value is changing in\n"
> "Git 2.0 from 'matching' to 'simple'. To squelch this message\n"
> "and maintain the current behavior after the default changes, use:\n"
> "\n"
> "  git config --global push.default matching\n"
> "\n"
> "To squelch this message and adopt the new behavior now, use:\n"
> "\n"
> "  git config --global push.default simple\n"
> "\n"
> "See 'git help config' and search for 'push.default' for further "
> "information.\n"
> "(the 'simple' mode was introduced in Git 1.7.11. Use the similar mode\n"
> "'current' instead of 'simple' if you sometimes use older versions of Git)"
>  po/de.po | 20 ++++++++++++++++++--
>  1 Datei geändert, 18 Zeilen hinzugefügt(+), 2 Zeilen entfernt(-)
> diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
> index f3d232e..df5187e 100644
> --- a/po/de.po
> +++ b/po/de.po
> @@ -4431,6 +4431,23 @@ msgid ""
>  "(the 'simple' mode was introduced in Git 1.7.11. Use the similar mode\n"
>  "'current' instead of 'simple' if you sometimes use older versions of Git)"
>  msgstr ""
> +"'push.default' ist nicht gesetzt; der implizit gesetzte Wert wird in\n"
> +"Git 2.0 von 'matching' nach 'simple' geändert. Um diese Meldung zu unter-\n"
> +"drücken und das aktuelle Verhalten nach Änderung des Standardwertes\n"
> +"beizubehalten, benutze:"
> +"\n"
> +"  git config --global push.default matching\n"
> +"\n"
> +"Um diese Meldung zu unterdrücken und das neue Verhalten jetzt zu 
> übernehmen,\n"
> +"benutze:\n"
> +"\n"
> +"  git config --global push.default simple\n"
> +"\n"
> +"Führe 'git help config' aus und suche nach 'push.default' für weitere "
> +"Informationen.\n"
> +"(Der Modus 'simple' wurde in Git 1.7.11 eingeführt. Benutze den 
> gleichartigen"
> +" Modus 'current' anstatt 'simple', falls du gelegentlich ältere Versionen 
> von"
> +" Git benutzt)"
>  #: builtin/push.c:199
>  msgid ""
> @@ -4453,7 +4470,6 @@ msgstr ""
>  "für weitere Details."
>  #: builtin/push.c:212
> -#, fuzzy
>  msgid ""
>  "Updates were rejected because a pushed branch tip is behind its remote\n"
>  "counterpart. If you did not intend to push that branch, you may want to\n"
> @@ -4465,7 +4481,7 @@ msgstr ""
>  "beabsichtigt hast, diesen Zweig zu versenden, kannst du auch den zu "
>  "versendenden\n"
>  "Zweig spezifizieren oder die Konfigurationsvariable 'push.default' zu "
> -"'current'\n"
> +"'simple', 'current'\n"
>  "oder 'upstream' setzen, um nur den aktuellen Zweig zu versenden."
>  #: builtin/push.c:218
> --
> 1.7.12


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