Hi all,

A colleague of mine (after a relatively long absence) noticed the
following when running "git status":

# On branch master
# Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
# and have 250 and 19 different commit(s) each, respectively.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

He asked me what to do and I told him to do what has always worked for
me in the past when something like this happened: gitk, "reset master
branch to here" (to a commit before the divergence and using --hard),
git pull origin master. Problem solved.

Well, not this one. This one is persistent. :-) I am at a loss what to
do. "master" and "origin/master" do *not* point at the same commit.
Even after the "git reset --hard ..." and "git pull". Running my
silver bullet solution gets us in the same situation every time.

I checked his .git/config and it looks fine.

Any ideas? What information should I provide that might make it
possible for you to help me?

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