On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 01:01:11PM -0700, Junio C Hamano wrote:

> Jeff King <p...@peff.net> writes:
> > +/*
> > + * Parse features of the form "feature=value".  Returns NULL if the feature
> > + * does not exist, the empty string if it exists but does not have an "=", 
> > or
> > + * the content to the right of the "=" until the first space (or end of
> > + * string).  The cannot contain literal spaces; double-quoting or similar
> > + * schemes would break compatibility, since older versions of git treat the
> > + * space as a hard-delimiter without any context.
> > + *
> > + * The return value (if non-NULL) is newly allocated on the heap and 
> > belongs to
> > + * the caller.
> > + */
> > +char *parse_feature_request_value(const char *feature_list, const char 
> > *feature)
> > +{
> > +   const char *start = parse_feature_request(feature_list, feature);
> > +   const char *end;
> > +
> > +   if (!start || prefixcmp(start, feature))
> > +           return NULL;
> > +   start += strlen(feature);
> > +
> > +   if (*start == '=')
> > +           start++;
> > +   end = strchrnul(start, ' ');
> > +
> > +   return xmemdupz(start, end - start);
> > +}
> Having to run strlen(feature) three times in this function (once in
> parse_feature_request() as part of strstr() and the edge check of
> the found string, once as part of prefixcmp() here, and then an
> explicit strlen() to skip it) makes me feel dirty.

I thought about that, but it seems like a quite premature optimization.
It is three extra strlens per network conversation. _If_ you have turned
on double-verbosity in fetch-pack. I considered reusing the existing
parse_feature_request function more valuable from a maintenance

I would think the extra memory allocation would dwarf it, anyway.

> It is not wrong per-se, but it is likely that the caller has a
> constant string as the feature when it called this function, so
> perhaps just changing the function signature of server_supports,
> i.e.
>     const char *server_supports(const char *feature)
>     {
>       return parse_feature_request(server_capabilities, feature);
>     }
> to return "var=val " would be more than sufficient.

That was in fact my first iteration, but...

> Then the existing callers can keep doing
>       if (server_supports("thin-pack"))
>         if (!server_supports("quiet"))
> and a new caller can do something like
>       agent = server_supports("agent");
>         if (!agent || !agent[5])
>               ... no agent ...
>       else {
>               int span = strcspn(agent + 6, " \t\n");
>                 printf("I found agent=<%.*s>!\n", span, agent + 6);
>       }
> which doesn't look too bad.

I didn't want to force callers to have to deal with ad-hoc parsing.

Anyway, do you think this is even worth doing at this point? I'm
lukewarm on the final two patches due to the existence of
GIT_TRACE_PACKET, which is much more likely to be useful.

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