Quoting baluchen <murugan.b...@gmail.com>:
I verified the entries and they seems to be correct. But the clone and its
URL is still now showing when browsing project summary page via gitweb
well, unless you at least post the most relevant options of your gitweb config, i'm afraid i cannot help you. maybe a snippet of mine gives you a hint:

##  gitweb.config.pl -- gitweb Perl configuration
our $projectroot = "/var/lib/git/repositories";
our $projects_list = "/var/lib/git/projects.list";
our $site_name = "Git Home";
our @git_base_url_list = grep { $_ ne '' } ("https://git.company.org/git";);

with this config, gitweb displays the clone url of a repository "dummy.git" located in "/var/lib/git/repositories" as



Thomas "Duke" Hager                               d...@sigsegv.at
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