Ralf Thielow venit, vidit, dixit 05.07.2012 20:16:
>>>> Is "rebase" = "Neuaufbau"? My last thought on this wording was "rebase" =
>>>> "Umpflanzen".
>> "Basisumbau"?
> I have added both suggestions to the glossary that they don't get lost when
> we discuss about non-optimal and/or missing parts within the glossary.

Not the base is being reconstructed, but what's on top of it. So,
"Basiswechsel" would be more appropriate.

But: "Umpflanzen" is really a great term which stays within the context
of trees, roots and branches. Strictly speaking, "Umpflanzen" refers to
something you do at the root level. The corresponding action for
branches would be "Umpfropfen". I think that also conveys the effort
that is sometimes necessary ;)


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