The message "\ No newline at end of file" which sometimes is produced
by diff(1) is locale dependent. We can't assume more than that it
begins with "\ ".

Signed-off-by: Fredrik Kuivinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The previous patch wasn't doing the right thing. Hopefully I have
managed to get it right this time.

 apply.c |   10 +++++++---
 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/apply.c b/apply.c
--- a/apply.c
+++ b/apply.c
@@ -672,9 +672,13 @@ static int parse_fragment(char *line, un
-               /* We allow "\ No newline at end of file" */
+               /* We allow "\ No newline at end of file". Depending
+                * on locale settings when the patch was produced we
+                * don't know what this line looks like. The only
+                * thing we do know is that it begins with "\ ". */
                case '\\':
-                       if (len < 12 || memcmp(line, "\\ No newline", 12))
+                       if (len < 2 || line[1] != ' ')
                                return -1;
@@ -683,7 +687,7 @@ static int parse_fragment(char *line, un
         * it in the above loop because we hit oldlines == newlines == 0
         * before seeing it.
-       if (12 < size && !memcmp(line, "\\ No newline", 12))
+       if (2 < size && !memcmp(line, "\\ ", 2))
                offset += linelen(line, size);
        patch->lines_added += added;
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