Dear diary, on Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 06:12:48AM CEST, I got a letter
where James Cloos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> told me that...
> Well, it wasn't as Ok as I first thought.  There were several .rej and
> backup files as left behind by patch(1).  cg update HEAD says:  Branch
> already fully merged but Makefile still says 2.6.12.
> I'm cloning now to a remote uml and will try and rsync from there to
> the laptop.  Perhaps *that* will get me a working repo.

Huh. Well, you had to do uberweird things with your repository - why did
you cg-seek at all? What Cogito version is it?

Anyway, cg-reset (or cg-cancel in "older" Cogito) should bring
everything in shape.

                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis
If you want the holes in your knowledge showing up try teaching
someone.  -- Alan Cox
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