Yes, I meant to use $ARGS.  I included the fix in the patchset I just sent.


Joel Becker wrote:
        Commit 7c5977297f07c2a52c8c0f486309076b2a795d33 contains the

+while optparse; do
+       if optparse -N; then
+               infoonly=-N
+       else
+               optfail
+       fi

        However, $ARGV is not a variable I've ever seen supported in a
Bourne-like shell.  Certainly Bash supports BASH_ARGV, but not ARGV.
        The recent option parsing code adds ARGS in cg-Xlib, but not
        The upshot is that a cg-clone/cg-init attempt thinks $uri is
empty, and always creates an initial commit.  No clone.  I don't know
how folks have gotten cg-clone rsync://linus to work since this change
went in.
        I don't know what the proper solution is with the modern option
code, but changing it back to 'url=$1' allows me to grab Linus' tree.


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