The first source release and some very early documentation for Arch 2.0
("revc") is now ready!

        Web page: <>

        Source: <>

        Source (tar bundle) SHA1:

        Source (tar bundle) size: 1732018

Some highlights:  revc has only 10 core commands;  there are about 165
functions; the source code is literally about 14K lines and is closer to
10K lines if you subtract out non-code boilerplate.

User complaints about tla 1.x being addressed in revc:

inventory is too complicated -- but is drastically simplified (almost
  eliminated) in 2.0

we hate the funny filenames -- 2.0 requires only a single .revc
  directory and you aren't expected to edit any files there.  No more
  {arch}, {arch}/=tagging-method, or deeply nested project-tree logs

the namespace blows -- 2.0 allows just about any revision name that
  doesn't contain a slash character.  There is a moderate limit on the
  length of a revision name.

all this stuff about registering archives and making mirrors is hard to
learn -- and, in 2.0, it's all gone.  You can use rsync to mirror stuff,
  for starters.  And all archives are anonymous -- there's no longer any
  such thing as an archive name.

too much is too slow -- although the 2.0 code isn't especially optimized
  yet, it seems to be hella snappy.

2.0 is very much git influenced but it brings some (imo significant)
  improvements to the table.


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