Junio C Hamano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >>>>> "PO" == Peter Osterlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> PO> I think it would be good if it was possible to include diffstat output
> PO> in exported patches, something like this:
> PO> Added possibility to include diffstat output in exported patches.
> And you wuold want to do things similarly to what others have
> already done.  git-resolve-script uses "git-apply --stat" there,
> instead of "diffstat", so people without diffstat installed can
> still get the same information.

Thanks for the hint. Here is a replacement patch that uses git-apply

Added possibility to include diffstat output in exported patches.

Signed-off-by: Peter Osterlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 stgit/git.py  |   23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 stgit/main.py |    2 ++
 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/stgit/git.py b/stgit/git.py
--- a/stgit/git.py
+++ b/stgit/git.py
@@ -345,6 +345,29 @@ def diff(files = [], rev1 = 'HEAD', rev2
                      % (rev1, files_str, extra_args)) != 0:
             raise GitException, 'git-diff-cache failed'
+def diffstat(files = [], rev1 = 'HEAD', rev2 = None):
+    """Return the diffstat between rev1 and rev2
+    """
+    files_str = reduce(lambda x, y: x + ' ' + y, files, '')
+    os.system('git-update-cache --refresh > /dev/null')
+    ds_cmd = '| git-apply --stat --summary'
+    if rev2:
+        f = os.popen('git-diff-tree -p %s %s %s %s'
+                     % (rev1, rev2, files_str, ds_cmd), 'r')
+        str = f.read()
+        if f.close():
+            raise GitException, 'git-diff-tree failed'
+        return str
+    else:
+        f = os.popen('git-diff-cache -p %s %s %s'
+                     % (rev1, files_str, ds_cmd), 'r')
+        str = f.read()
+        if f.close():
+            raise GitException, 'git-diff-cache failed'
+        return str
 def checkout(files = [], force = False):
     """Check out the given or all files
diff --git a/stgit/main.py b/stgit/main.py
--- a/stgit/main.py
+++ b/stgit/main.py
@@ -659,6 +659,8 @@ def export(parser, options, args):
         patch = crt_series.get_patch(p)
         tmpl_dict = {'description': patch.get_description().rstrip(),
+                     'diffstat': git.diffstat(rev1 = __git_id('%s/bottom' % p),
+                                              rev2 = __git_id('%s/top' % p)),
                      'authname': patch.get_authname(),
                      'authemail': patch.get_authemail(),
                      'authdate': patch.get_authdate(),

Peter Osterlund - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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