--- Junio C Hamano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>>>> "DB" == Daniel Barkalow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> DB> [perl script]
> >> How does this work, and what do we do about merges?

Checking diffs of all the parents can be computational expensive. 

I'am developing a different alghoritm for qgit, where I know,
before to run annotate all the revs that changed a given file.

The revs are saved in the shaHist list according to git-rev-list --merge-order.

The algoritm operates form the oldest to the newst calculating annotation for 
following rev.

This alghoritm takes advantage of the fact that mostly revs belong to 2 

1) revs of the same development-sequence (e.g. connected without merges)

2) empty merges, i.e. merges where the file we are interested in
 is listed in only one merging branch

If a rev in shaHist does not belong to above categories a reach analisys must 
be performed
in order to find the direct ancestor among all the previous revs in the list.

So starting from shaHist a ReachList rl is populated by getReachability(): 

void Annotate::getReachability(ReachList& rl, const QString& file, const 
QStringList& shaHist) {

        QStringList::const_iterator it = shaHist.begin();
        Rev* r = revLookup(*it);
        rl.append(ReachInfo(*it, r->id, INITIAL));
        for (it++; it != shaHist.end(); it++) {
                Rev* r = revLookup(*it);

                // initial revision case
                if (r->parents.count() == 0) {
                        rl.append(ReachInfo(*it, r->id, INITIAL));
                // merge case
                if (r->parents.count() > 1) { 

                        // check empty merges diffing against previous in list
                        QString prevSha = rl.last().sha;
                        QString d = getFileDiff(*it, prevSha, file);

                        if (d.isEmpty()) { 
                                rl.append(ReachInfo(*it, r->id, EMPTY_MERGE));
                        } else {
                                // real merge: we need reach test.
                                QStringList roots;
                                for (uint i = 0; i < r->parents.count(); i++) {

                                        // here tree walking is performed
                                        QString root = getRoot(r->parents[i], 
                                        if (!root.isEmpty())
                                rl.append(ReachInfo(*it, r->id, MERGE));
                                rl.last().roots = roots;
                // normal case: a revision with a single parent
                if (r->id == rl.last().id) { // same development sequence

                        QString prevSha = rl.last().sha;
                        rl.append(ReachInfo(*it, r->id, SAME_BR)); // same 

                } else { // different development sequence

                        QString root = getRoot(*it, rl); // <-- here tree 
walking is performed
                        if (!root.isEmpty()) {
                                rl.append(ReachInfo(*it, r->id, DIFF_BR));
                        } else
                                qDebug("ASSERT getReachability: rev %s not 

Then ReachList rl is then used to compute correct annotations:

void Annotate::run(const QString& file, const QStringList& shaHist, 
AnnotateHistory& ah) {

        QString d, diffTarget;
        QStringList t;
        int pos;
        ReachList rl;

        getReachability(rl, file, shaHist);  // <-- here ReachList rl is 

        for (uint i = 0; i < rl.count(); i++) {

                switch(rl[i].type) { // <-- here ReachList rl is used to find 

                case SAME_BR:
                case DIFF_BR:
                        diffTarget = rl[i].roots.first();
                        d = getFileDiff(rl[i].sha, diffTarget, file);
                        pos = shaHist.findIndex(diffTarget);
                        ah.append(processDiff(d, ah[pos], getAuthor(rl[i].sha, 
                case INITIAL:
                        pos = shaHist.findIndex(rl[i].sha);
                        ah.append(getFirstAnnotation(file, shaHist, pos));
                case EMPTY_MERGE:
                        diffTarget = rl[i].roots.first();
                        pos = shaHist.findIndex(diffTarget);
                        t = ah[pos]; // copy annotation from previous
                case MERGE:
                        // append annotation calculated on first root
                        diffTarget = rl[i].roots.first();
                        d = getFileDiff(rl[i].sha, diffTarget, file);
                        pos = shaHist.findIndex(diffTarget);
                        ah.append(processDiff(d, ah[pos], "Merge"));

                        // update annotation with all the others roots
                        for (uint j = 1; j < rl[i].roots.count(); j++) {

                                diffTarget = rl[i].roots[j];
                                d = getFileDiff(rl[i].sha, diffTarget, file);
                                pos = shaHist.findIndex(diffTarget);

                                // create an annotation calculated between 
root[i] and
                                // the merge.
                                QStringList scndAnn = processDiff(d, ah[pos],

                                // finally we unify the two annotations, so we 
                                // also the case of a 3-way merge
                                unify(ah.last(), scndAnn);

Advantage of this algorithm is that reach analisys, i.e. tree walking, is
done, statistically, only for a small subset of revs.

Another side benefit is that correct annotation is calculated for each rev and
not only for newest one.

Of course there are issues:

1) A ordered list of revs (file history) must be known in advance. This is not 
a problem
   for qgit because file history is calculated while loading revs.

2) Does not takes in account file renames.

Hope this notes can help in ongoing discussion


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