On 08/19/2011 07:19 AM, bktheman34 wrote:
> Forgot to mention, when you click on the apparent source forge link, it 
> starts to download the file from freefr.dl.sourceforge.net
> Whereas the links from the official website point to this page on source 
> forge: 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/gimp-win/files/GIMP%20%2B%20GTK%2B%20%28stable%20release%29/GIMP%202.6.11%20%2B%20GTK%2B%202.16.6/gimp-2.6.11-i686-setup-1.exe/download
> Perhaps I am being overly cautious - but people I know have told me they have 
> installed gimp, and other nasties at the same time from the offending website.
IMHO this is more a case of "buyer beware" - - I do find it offensive (and I 
suspect AAdobe is somewhat annoyed at GIMP being termed "free Photoshop" but 
that's their worry).

People who pursue such paths without a modicum of due diligence sort of get 
they deserve. I hope we're not tending toward a national belief that making 
silly mistakes "should be illegal".
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