On 30/09/2010 22:29, Beassweetpeas wrote:
> I have just got Gimp and want to remove backgrounds of images.On the video 
> tutorials I have watched there is a box on the right hand side for choosing 
> background. I dont have this although Im sure it was on when I installed it. 
> I only have the Toolbox on the left hand side. Help!!!!

What you want isn't removing the background, but extracting the 
foreground :-) And there is a tool for this next to the scissors tool 
(once your have a selection on th eforeground, your can invert it and 
strike delete to remove the background).

I assume that the box on the RHS is the layer dialog, that let you 
choose which layers are displayed. But this requires to already have two 
distinct layers, one with your subject and one with the background.

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