On 12/09/2010 11:41, Andreas Moroder wrote:
> Hello,
> I have scanned page from a book. On the screen all looks ok. Near the
> images I wanted to scan I see only light shades on the white background,
> but when I print the page this shades becomes much darker and visible
> and show the back side of the page. Can anyone please tell me a way to
> get rid of this shades without impact on the rest of the image.
> I uploaded one page here:
> http://rapidshare.com/files/418578196/seite1.tif
> Thanks
> Andreas
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1) rapidshare is a dog for non-paying customers, so please avoid...

2) the histogram shows that you aren't giving us the original image.

3) The shades are quite easily removed by blowing them out to pure white 
with  the curves tool:


Actual blow-out value can be different if you start on your original image.

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