On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:02:42AM -0400, John Culleton wrote:
> The developers of Gimp have never given the needs of print media 
> a high priority. As a result most people in the world of print media 
> don't use Gimp. The usual response from the developers of Gimp 
> is that there is little demand for CMYK. But the facts are that those 
> of us who work in print media don't use Gimp very much precisely 
> because it won't deal in CMYK. So it becomes a self-fulfilling 
> prophecy. 

I think that this is not true.

GIMP has had an historical lack of developers but those that work on it
(BTW: THANKS!) are working hard to do it "the right way" (TM) i.e.
using a specialized library (GEGL: http://gegl.org/,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GEGL) that will permit GIMP in the (near I
hope...) future to work with different color models like CMYK natively.
GEGL in already in GIMP but the work is not finished yet so to have that
feature in GIMP it will be necessary to wait until completed the GEGL
port of all functions on GIMP.

Sorry for my bad english.


Marco Ciampa

| Linux User  #78271 |
| FSFE fellow   #364 |
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