3/22/2010 9:55 PM keltezéssel, bennettjon írta:
>> On 3/22/2010 3:51 PM, bennettjon wrote:
>>> Thanks Stefan for the quick reply. I will upload some images. However,
> the
>>> issue is not fuzziness in GIMP. The fuzziness occurs when inserting into
> Word
>>> or Excel and either printing or converting to PDF.
>> Ok, that makes much more sense. Issues like that spring up from time to
>> time on this mailing list.
> So what is the solution?

I make a lot of word documents packed with photos and other kinds of 
bitmap pictures in them,
and I usually make pdf of them as a result. This is part of my work.

 From the behavior of these documents I got to the conclusion that Word 
stores all bitmap pictures
in a jpg format. This is independent from the source of the picture 
(whether it was inserted as a picture
file or just pasted from the clipboard.) So, every time I save the 
document, more and more jpeg errors
are produced in all pictures. This effect can be reduced if the 
resolution of the images is kept high
(eg. 200 dpi), but this makes the filesize big and is not an option for 
all kinds of pictures.
This effect is mostly annoying in case of pictures thats natural format 
would be png: that include
just a few colors, like drawings and screenshots. These pictures are 
made ugly and make the filesize
irrationally big.

Moreover, when I print to pdf, all the pictures are made 96 dpi (just a 
guess, it seems to be optimized for
screen), and full of jpeg noise. So, the pdf-s are even more ugly than 
the doc. I don't know any options
that could be set in pdf creation.

I think that a good pdf printer should have some settings for image 
compression, and office should have
more options. I only know of the compression rate, where you have three 
options: leave it big,
set to 200 dpi (for prinit), or set to 96 dpi (screen). I think this is 
quite poor. I know some about word,
but there is much more that I don't know, so there may be more advanced 
settings. But I doubt.

So, if anyone knows an answer, please let us know!


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