Hi, Google's Summer of Code is back for 2010. The program's goal is to get students involved with Free/Libre Open Source Software. See http://socghop.appspot.com/ for more information.
Obviously, there is no point in applying as an organization if there are no mentors. So, if you'd like to be mentor, please reply to this mail on the gimp-developer mailing list (Reply-To is set). The following rules and notes apply: ---- 1. Please describe potential project(s) in your reply Please be as precise as possible, without being too verbose (we're still at an early stage). ---- 2. Describe the optimal student for the project(s) This includes experiences from their curriculum (useful lectures, for example) and extra-curricular experiences (e.g. building software on a regular basis, profound knowledge of color management, math genius, ...). Please note that if you decide that the project is suitable for beginners, it will be your responsibility to bring the students up to speed in order to be able complete the project in time. We're considering to request some kind of proof for a student's skills in advance, e.g. a patch for a gnome-love bug. ---- 3. Be present on our IRC channel #gimp on irc.gimp.org We really, really expect to be able to just ask "how's project $foo coming along?" there and get an answer (not necessarily in a matter of minutes, but at least within a few hours; time zones are taken into account). Yes, this is basically a "no external mentors" requirement, and has been requested specifically this year. That's all for now, more information if there's at least one reply :) Regards, Michael -- GIMP > http://www.gimp.org | IRC: irc://irc.gimp.org/gimp Wiki > http://wiki.gimp.org | .de: http://gimpforum.de Plug-ins > http://registry.gimp.org | _______________________________________________ Gimp-user mailing list Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user