helices writes:
> I have a simple JPG (108x170 pixels) that I want to use in a larger,
> higher resolution image that I'm creating.  It is a fairly simple black
> and white drawing -- actually, a light bulb with several curves and
> angles and straight lines.
> Yes, I have expanded it to 1000x1575 pixels.  Yes, I've zoomed to 800x,
> selected non-black pixels and deleted them.
> What I have now is almost tolerable; but, I'd like to know alternatives,
> preferably the simplest, most straight forward method to clean up the
> jagged edges that are visible.

Try this:

- Select by color and click on one of the lines.

- Selection to Path.

- Select None.

- Scale the image up to the desired size.

- Path to selection.

- Fill the selection with black.

It doesn't work for everything, but for a line drawing or solid
colored block figure, sometimes you can get amazingly smooth edges
that way.

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