On 1/19/2010 1:12 PM, Martin Nordholts wrote:
> Michael J. Hammel wrote:
>> For example, they've
>> responded to requests for a single window mode from the Windows user
>> community by adding it to development for 2.8.  We Linux users don't
>> need this so the developers are making this configurable.
> This is a common misconception. The single-window mode is just as much 
> for Linux users as it is for Windows users. It is in many ways my own 


> itch I am scratching: I run Linux but hate to manage windows and/or 
> workspaces, and single-window mode will fix this for me.

I absolutely /hate/ the single window mode. I loved being able to float
toolboxes and have the image editing area closable separate of the main
program when I'm not using it (but will go back to using GIMP soon).
It's one of the features (aside from being free) that first attracted me
to The GIMP. Losing that flexibility is a pain in my rear.

I generally give GIMP it's own desktop. Solves that problem rather well.

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