
On Sun, 2010-01-10 at 09:32 -0600, mac9416 wrote:

> Anthony, is it absolutely necessary that you have a white>transparency
> gradient layer over a background layer? I was able to eyedrop the
> center color and outer color and create a one-layer gradient that
> looks very smooth.
> I can't articulate why a one-layer gradient looks better than
> semi-transparent gradient over a background, but it certainly seems to
> be the case.
> http://mac9416.keryxproject.org/images/gimp-smooth-gradient.png
> http://mac9416.keryxproject.org/images/gimp-smooth-gradient.xcf.gz

Oh, if Anthony is blending a gradient over a background, then it's
absolutely not surprising that he gets visible banding. At least not
until GIMP starts to use higher bit-depths than 8bit per channel.


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