Carusoswi wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 04, 2009 at 03:58:14PM +0200, Carusoswi wrote:
>>> Anyhow, out of curiosity, I did boot up Ubuntu just now, tried Gimp, and
> it
>>> appears that, somehow, I or my system has installed UFRaw so that when I
> try
>>> to open a RAW photo, instead of the error message I used to receive,
> UFRaw
>>> opens the image for me, and I can make adjustments or just click ok after
>>> which the photo is loaded into GIMP.
>>> My problem is that all photos thus loaded are extrememely fuzzy, as though
> I
>>> had hit the entire image with a strong dose of Gaussian. So, can someone
> tell
>>> me what I am doing wrong?
>> What are you comparing to? JPEGs produced by the same camera? If you use
>> RAW, many enhancements that your camera normally does are not done,
>> among them sharpening. Depending on your camera you might have a setting
>> in your camera to select how much sharpening is done on processed
>> images.
>> You can use either the Sharpen filter or Unsharp mask to sharpen your
>> imported RAW photo in GIMP.
>> --
>> Ville Patsi
> I am comparing to my very similar workflow from within XP (as compared to
> Ubuntu). The difference in XP is that I first open my imaging using Sony's
> Image Data Converter that came with the camera. That application does a
> beautiful job of minimizing noise (even from ISO 6400 images). Then, I either
> use CS4 or Gimp to open the file as a tiff. I never shoot using anything
> other than RAW.
> In Linux, my only converter options are UFRAW or Lightzone (which I have
> stopped using of late). I cannot even find the noise reduction tool in the
> Linux version of UFRaw (not certain there is one). I've used UFRaw in
> Windows, and there is most definitely a noise reduction tool, and I was,
> frankly, surprised at what a good job it did.
> I know I must have changed some setting that persists in UFRaw from one
> session to the next, but doggone if I can figure out what it is.
> Any additional suggestions most welcome. Thanks for the replies.
> Caruso
Just so you know.... Noise Ninga is available on the Noise Ninga site
( in rpm and deb packages. It's proprietary, but seems
to work fairly well after you take the time to set it up correctly. You
can try it out for free, but must buy a license to save anything you
want to keep as the demo puts a grid over the top of the picture.
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